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Glazing payment retention?


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We are at the point of placing our order for windows and doors and I am getting conflicting information so wanted to find out what others have experienced on this.


We have spent 3 months choosing a supplier and had 3 quotes for like for like specs, 2 are similar and 1 is 30% higher (large well publicised brand) which I don't think is too unexpected. The costs of the other 2 are broadly in line with the original budgets.


Of the 2 lower cost firms, our preference is very local firm who we have met with twice and are comfortable that they will do a good job, but...

When trying to agree terms, all of the firms are requesting for 50% upfront (we are fine with that) and the remaining 50% plus installation fees 2 weeks before installation.


Is this normal practise? Is there not normally a fee retained to deal with the inevitable snagging?


My feeling is that I would like to retain a minimum of 10% of the cost until we have installed and are happy with the outcome, I've had a 'serious' conversation with our preferred supplier and the best they are prepared to offer is retaining 10% of the install fee until we sign off.


Am I being unnecessarily cautious? The total cost is a large amount of money and my (trusted) builder has stressed that we should have a 10% retention as in his experience there are nearly always snagging issues with window and door suppliers - his other major project has 12 outstanding glazing snags and he has retained 10% of the glazing cost which is creating urgency with the supplier.


What are others thoughts and experiences, advice?


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It’s not normal 

Why would you need to pay for the installation before the job has started 

Absolutely no incentive to do a good job 

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20 minutes ago, mickeych said:

Am I being unnecessarily cautious?



Ours was 10% on acceptance of quote. Balance on satisfaction of completion.


No way would I part with the money and leave them with zero benefit to fix anything - if they mess up.


You also need to 

Make sure they are using airtight foam around the window aperture before covering it all up. If you say that's extra, walk away, because you stand no chance of getting good install.

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I cannot remember the name of the arrangement, but you could offer to lodge the 2nd 50% with an intermediary party, payable on satisfactory completion. Personally I'd be happier for that to be 45% and 5% held a further 6 months, but I would not fall out with anyone over that.

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