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Replacement pond pump failed after 2 weeks.


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Can house circuits cause a pump to fail?


The previous fish pond pump worked fine, but we estblished that its cicuit, extended from the ring main, was causing random  power cuts, with the fuse tripping.(not the circuit but the main house)

Turning off the local trip resolved the  issue hence we 'knew' where the problem lay.

Next I ran the pump off an extension lead on a different circuit, for 2 weeks. No problem.

Then i plugged it back into the original and it worked for a few days with no tripping but then it failed. The pump doesn't work.

Bought a new pump. It worked for 3 weeks then failed. I've checked all connections and fuses. Also plugged if into a different circuut. Nada.


Pumps are simple things i believe. Two don't fail in quick succession.

Is there any other way of checking the pump ?

Do they fail if there is a fault in the mains supply? The circuit in question seems  to be a common denominator in circuit tripping and pump failure.


I have not got an intermediate rcd connected. I used to but took it off because it was complicating the logic, and might have been the cayse, being sensitive.


The pump is only about 30W, with very small, soft cables.



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You need to be clear in what way does the pump not work?  Does it just not pump, with power applied?  OR does it keep on tripping the RCD so power does not stay on long enough to see if it works or not?  


Quite likely insulation breakdown on the cable causing earth leakage and tripping the RCD.  You need an insulation resistance tester to check that.

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The tripping issue has not recurred, neither on the suspect circuit nor direct from another circuit in the house.  It is the pump that has stopped working.


The pump has a 3 pin plug, fitted by me.  I suspected the fuse or that my wiring isn't right, so I tidied it all up and it still didn't work.


I know...it's only wiring a plug. But the wires are soft and tiny and a right fiddle.

Edited by saveasteading
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@ProDave  stop press.


It isn't broken.


I plugged it in again, just in case....

nothing was forthcoming from the outlet.

But I saw disturbance elsewhere. the pump is working but a hose has popped off underwater.


sorry to waste anyone's time.

but I fear the subject of the circuit  may recur?


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