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Biodiversity Net Gain submission?

Alan Ambrose

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Self-build is exempt...


Self-build and custom build applications

An exemption applies to this type of development when it meets all the following conditions:   

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We did a BNG assessment for our project because we wanted to help tip the scales of the "balanced planning decision", and also 'cause we're well into all that eco stuff anyway. The fine folks at Arborweald do all our arb/eco stuff, and they're both good and passionate.


As far as I understand, the current calculation system is pretty coarse-grained, and it basically involves calculating how much stuff you have now (hedges, ponds, various types of grassland) and how much you have after, and a number comes out. Hedges are calculated in linear metres, everything else in plan area I think.


You can see some of our BNG docs on our planning application if you're curious, but it sounds like you don't need to provide it.

Edited by Drellingore
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Self build, custom build and sites qualifying for 'de minimis exemption' are exempt, for everyone else its likely to mean up to 8 weeks post planning waiting for the BNG pre-commencement condition to be discharged.

Edited by TommoUK
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