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Anyone got a good way to size an attenuation tank?

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I'm on clay with high GW level, 250m^2 roof area, 0.13 ha plot, 627mm annual rain. I have the FEH13 & 22 numbers for rainstorms.


I can see the uksuds tool but that seems designed for developments e.g. the 1st question is "Significant public open space (ha)"?


p.s. and no particular restrictions / instructions from the planners re SuDS.

Edited by Alan Ambrose
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I've got a couple of companies coming out this week to discuss treatment plants and the expected water that needs handling from rainfall and how to handle, slightly smaller and on 20% clay and rest sandy loam so not exactly the same.

But, I'll share with you what I find out.



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2 hours ago, Alan Ambrose said:

Ta, you should be good on anything sandy. I hope Owls Hall are not one of them - I paid £100 for essentially a sales visit.

that name is not on my list.

So far booked is Les Cotton (laxfield), Mantair (Frinton) and Gilson environmental services (Ipswich).


A couple of others didn't come back to me so I won't chase unless these are all rubbish.

Hubby dug a percolation test hole today so we'll do some testing this week.



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