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Loxone installation on new build

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I’ve looked at home automation…mainly YouTube.

We are demolishing today and I don’t feel we decided on how to automate the house. I feel the ground floor would benefit from this as this is a high cost build .

Loxone seems to be the way . 
Any non technical experience of the use and installation? Please 

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High cost build? Hope that lots of insulation and airtightness, and not added unneeded complexity and just a scrape through building regs or not just being ripped off?


Lots of users on here, look in relevant sections, and can see the miles of cable they install, to add to your costs.


Personal opinion, waste of time and money. Your high cost build got more expensive.

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6 hours ago, 7dayworker said:

Any non technical experience of the use and installation? Please 


There are quite a few Loxone users on here, including me.


It's impossible to give you useful short answer, at least partly because there's no such thing as a typical install. I'm very happy with the system. It controls lights, external blinds, and heating. It could do MVHR and other things too, but I've mostly tried to keep things as simple as possible.

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