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Sleeves not demounting from HEP pipe?


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I had to re-route a couple of pipes last night, each run had a couple of elbows which I needed to demount and reattach later, a couple of them were real PITA's to demount, the sleeve stuck in the elbow and the end of the pipes were chewed to buggery. I replaced the elbows and cut off the chewed ends when refitting so not the end of the world, but I would like to know what I did wrong to avoid it happening again. Can this sometimes happen? didn't I have the demount tool on properly? I tried multiple times before using brute force to get the buggers off.... 

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Yes this is pretty normal, sometimes you are lucky and get it just right and they come apart without any grief, but getting the sleeve end through the gripper ring without grabbing is rare.

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7 minutes ago, dpmiller said:

you can generally leave the insert in-situ and push the new pipe in, over the insert.

I did consider it, but given the state the pipe end came out in, and the fact these will be buried out of sight when I’m done, for peace of mind I just stuck a new one on instead.

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