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Hello, we are about to finalise our drawings ahead of applying for planning permission…

Custom crafter

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You may like to consider a “Critique our design” type post before plans submission.


Though some responses may not necessarily be helpful (eg “I don’t like your style of house”) you’re likely to find members who can make helpful or practical observations or tweaks that even the best architect or client will have missed.  Often this is because we have included or failed to include certain features in our own self builds that we are now living in.


If you chose to do this I think it’s helpful to include a brief overview of your relevant circumstances eg family, dogs, WFH, relevant interests etc.   blank out any personal info on the drawings.


If uncertain about this just do a forum search on “critique” to see previous posts  to see if you feel such a post would be helpful to you.  This forum is not like Facebook etc where aggressive random people abuse posts.  You’ll find 99.99% responses are folk trying to help, and ultimately you have 100% control of whether to accept of ignore any suggestions.








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I hope you don't mind me asking : why are you getting drawings done before applying for PP? Do you already have Outline Planning Permission? If so, then thats fine.


I am trying gently to suggest that if you haven't got Outline PP, then presenting detailed ( = expensive) plans means that the LPA Officer has more opportunity to reject your application. 

Have you had the chance to read this yet?



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4 hours ago, ToughButterCup said:


I hope you don't mind me asking : why are you getting drawings done before applying for PP? Do you already have Outline Planning Permission? If so, then thats fine.


I am trying gently to suggest that if you haven't got Outline PP, then presenting detailed ( = expensive) plans means that the LPA Officer has more opportunity to reject your application. 

Have you had the chance to read this yet?



Please ask away, we are in a conservation area which demands that detailed drawings are submitted from the get go.  However, we’ve nearly finished our ‘design concept’ with our architect and then plan to discuss this with timber frame companies understanding that changes are likely to be made. We will then give it to the planning consultant for comments before finally submitting it to planning. Our planning consultant originally had a significant role within the planning department up until he retired, we are hoping that his knowledge will ease us through the process and help us avoid significant reworking. 

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13 minutes ago, Custom crafter said:

any advice on how to do the heat loss analysis

Download the heat loss spreadsheet from here.



But before you start to fill it in, decide how much better that standard building regs you want to be.  Building Regs area minimum, and like a car, no one wants a City Rover.

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3 hours ago, Susie said:

Have you looked at part O yet, it’s the ventilation one and window size and location are big considerations in Part O


We have looked at part O and have factored window size, location and sun/shading into the design. I suspect further refinement might be needed but I think we’re nearly there

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