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Heatmiser Controls - over zoned!

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We completed a bungalow with internal bricks walls throughout, meaning our UFH throughout was zoned 1 per room. Some zones are pretty big & consists of 2 loops or 3 loops per room/zone, but the bedrooms (5 of them), study, play room etc are all one loop/zone per room.


What I am realising now, is that we are overly constrained from a zone point of view (wish I had realised this back in the day....). One option is to wire everything back at the wiring centre to run off a single thermostat..... so one 'thermostat' effectively actuates all zones but before I call out an electrician I wanted to check if there were any other options/suggest on how to improve the situation? (as I have a lot of thermostats that become redundant with the rewiring it idea.)


Does heatmiser offer anything like this, other then the profile options? Any other ways to 'cheat' and get more zones together other then call back an electrician to rewire it up?

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We have a bungalow also, and we had each room zoned when I first got everything up and running. Timed everything to come on off as I wanted. Until I got the first month's heating bill. The following year which was colder outside we used 1/3 of the gas, the house was warmer. Was on gas heating then.


So now not much of a fan for zones.


Now have a single thermostat/timer, this starts and stops the our heat pump, we have no actuators on the manifold, no pump or mixer on the manifold and no wiring centre.

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Thanks John, sounds like I'm on the start of the journey you were on. Suffice to say it's dawned on me hard how wrong a situation we are in.  :( :(


If I was to remove the actuators, does that open the zones fully?


So if I kept one on thermostat live, controlling one zone... Then deleted all thermostats off our mobile app, then used that one thermostat to set a temperature profile. Would that basically enable control of the whole house against that one thermostat?


Once trailed, I could look to disconnect and start dismantling the system. Leaving one thermostat per manifold (we have 1 x manifold for kitchen lounge half of the bungalow, then 1 x manifold for bedroom half of the bungalow).



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>>> What I am realising now, is that we are overly constrained from a zone point of view (wish I had realised this back in the day....)


Maybe you could explain why this is a problem - HP cycling or...?


It's very simple to set-up whatever zones you want - yes a bit of wiring, but it'll probably take longer to explain to the electrician what you want than it will take them to re-wire.

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11 hours ago, Andehh said:

If I was to remove the actuators, does that open the zones fully

Yes, you then adjust the heat output by altering the flow rate, with the flowmeter, to balance the whole system.


The way to trial it is to move the thermostats to say 24 and see what happens.


Not sure the depth of screed you have, but batch charging the floor works well, we have 100mm, and can charge the floor up over 5 to 7 hours and we are  finding that to be the cheapest way to heat the house. We take a hit in CoP on the heat pump, but the run hours are pretty low.

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