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Service ducting


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What do people recommend for service ductings.

I know that gas has to be in perforated yellow, and where I am at least electric has to be in black suitably embossed.

Water is blue.

But do people bother getting green for TV and grey for telecomms or do you just stick those two in a length of black which seems to be easier to come by.



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If OpenReach are pulling the cable, they may expect to see their grey duct at either end, although its much cheaper to pull the cable yourself (buy it from TLC, £50 for 100m) rather than pay the OR rate of £5/m. 


Only electric supply up to the meter has to be in the special black duct, from meter to house (if external) can be SWG.


Gas absolutely needs to be in the yellow perforated ducting to prevent any buildup incase there was a leak.

Water is MPDE blue pipe, is not ducted.




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My experience was that OpenReach were happy to supply free grey Duct 56, with the hockey sticks, for me to lay, and then they'd come along later and pull the cable through.  In the end they dropped a reel of cable off and we pulled that through, too, leaving it coiled up at either end for them to make the connections.

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