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2k Based Primers and Paints for Kitchen Cabinet

Zak S

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25 minutes ago, Zak S said:

Is the workstand (you have in the pic) above good in terms of holding items while you paint?

It is for plenty of items yes, not so good for small light things, the paint gun sometimes blows them off!


Big things I would usually suspend in the place I want to paint and cure because moving big wet items is just asking for trouble. I think I would paint kitchen doors on something like that little trestle, or I would set up 2 of them and run two pieces of wood between them to form a long platform I can stage 2 or 3 items on at once. The more items you can prep and lay out for paint the more efficient and economical the whole process will be. I have used 2 litres of thinners to clean the gun about 4 times in the past 4 days, only to paint 1 item. I could have painted a whole car and still only washed the gun 3-4 times. I have used about 8 measuring cups, loads of rags, so it was quite inefficient. Gun cleaning takes a me a good 10-15 minutes to do it properly - that's a waste of time to keep doing. 


I have painted loads of things, tables, chairs, Land Rover's, doors, lights, cabinets, to name a few, and each thing warrants a slightly different option for the DIY painter at home. Commercial shops use things that look like clothes rails (I nearly bought a cheapy Ikea clothes rail for painting loads of downlights) and little copper or stainless steel hook things, I have some of those, they can hook into stuff then I hang them from screws in the roof trusses - just watch you don't disturb bits of wood or dust which then falls onto your nice fresh paint! They also use things that look like sort of odd guitar stand things and weird jigs for holding a myriad of panels. 

Edited by Carrerahill
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