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Storing materials on beam & block


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I've seen pallets of blocks go through beam and block flooring so be wary.


The domestic live load the b&b will have been designed for is 1.5kN/sqm so you'd be safe storing 150kg/sqm on them if needed. 


A pallet of blocks is more like 1000kg, or 700kg/sqm.

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It's fine Our builder did the same, but did spread them out a bit.  Not too many pallets on the same span of beams, and closer to the edges rather than middle.  He did come and set the blocks out quickly though as he was keen to get a crack on.  Not too many images of this but found one.


edit:  Reading George's post, I guess it depends on the type of block too, some weigh a bit less than others, maybe you could ask when they are likely to set out the blocks, Not sure I'd want pallets sat on there for weeks on end...



Edited by crispy_wafer
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Pallets are fine if they are over sleeper walls 

I would at least quickly halve the pallets as soon as possible if they are unsupported 

Edited by nod
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