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Posted (edited)

It's time to install the Utilities on my 3 bed detached self build. The house is up and water tight. Thames Water are the supplier.


In preparation for Thames Water to do their external installation, starting at the boundary, I need to:
- Dig our trench (750mm to 1350mm deep and minimum 270mm from other services). I can do this.
- Lay the supply pipe (32mm MDPE on our quote). I can do this.
- Insulate the supply pipe above 750mm. I can do this, just need to know best insulation to use?
- Bring the supply pipe up through the flexi-duct (already installed through the slab). I can do this.
- Seal the flexi-duct at both ends. I can do this, just need to know best 'non-petroleum-based' product to use?
- Fit a suitable internal stop valve / double check valve / servicing valve / tap / drain off / stop end. Need a plumber for this.


Questions, links to products would really help thanks, just in case the plumber asks me to buy the products:
1. Is there a typical / good insulation to use around the water pipe?
2. Is there a typical / good 'non-petroleum-based' product to seal the flexi-duct?
3. Any links to suitable internal stop valves / double check valves / servicing valves / taps / drain offs / stop ends so I can see what needs to be fitted at the end of the water pipe?

4. Any other comments which you think may help?


I'm not ready to get into the big plumbing / heating install just yet. Just need this done so that Thames Water (and the other services) can get going.


Thanks very much.

Edited by Johnny Jekyll

just get them to fit to standpipe on the boundary. leave all other works until this is done otherwise they will want to check all details you have done and basically it's non of their buiness. once they are away, remove standpipe and coonnect to house.


@Simplysimon thanks unfortunately the process above needs to be completed and inspected before they will agree to start, it's on my paperwork and I have checked with their developer services, probably terms of their service.


I was told that Anglian Water were realy strict so I bought the insulation from JTM plumbing that met their requirements.


Stopcock and stop end required at pipe end outside where connecting to the meter as it said the red stopper that came with the water pipe was not acceptable.


I didn't connect anything beyond the stopcock as nothing else was requested by Anglian water. They classed it as full service not building supply and all they want is to inspect once everything is connected up.


When the person came to inspect, he didn't check the external end for the end cap, didn't want to see the insulation and just passed it.


Strange they insisted that the pipe should be embedded in sand, when they connect from the road to the meter, they didn't use any sand, just shovelled the same material they removed back in.


We now have water

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