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Can anyone assist? I've "dabbled" in making my own small scale solar thermal panel. It worked, returned some decent temperatures and cost nothing. It was just a bit of fun with the kids.




Looking on another thread at all this talk of logging with a Raspberry Pi. In an ideal world I'd like to be able to look at a real time graph on my phone / pc showing:


-Ambient temperature

-Temperature at the output pipe of the panel 

-Temperature  of storage tank


Any pointers?


My boy can code all day long.....if he can be bothered! I struggled with BASIC!

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The logging is pretty simple with a Raspberry Pi.  Just a couple of temperature sensors (or more) and something to detect when the pump is on.  Then a bit of Python code.

There are also "Libraries" (addons) for Python that can be used for plotting, take your pick from the easiest tutorial to follow.  StackOverflow is always worth a look at.  Though can be a bit pompous about the questions asked.



Edited by SteamyTea
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