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The real work starts now


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Hi all,


I’ve been lurking here for a few weeks picking up loads of useful info so thought it was about time I did the intro. 

I’m RB and we’re just about to start work on our new build project just outside Bath but over the border in Wiltshire. We acquired the plot with existing bungalow 2 years ago and now after two architects, a lot of planning strife and a pretty much bare hands Covid times demolition we’re actually about to start in earnest!


The construction of the property is concrete basement and slab topped with a CLT structure. We have suppliers lined up to get us to watertight and then we’re pretty much in our own. Luckily my father (retired precision engineer and wizard woodworker) is project managing and has done a lot of this before so I feel we’re in good hands.

My main interest here is the stuff that I’m best suited to tackling - mainly the home automation and interior fit out. But I’ll have other questions too I’m sure around solar thermal and wiring etc. I hope as we get further down the road I’ll be able to help others through our own experiences. 




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On 31/08/2020 at 17:21, Big Jimbo said:

Welcome to the mad times ahead.

Thanks! Clock will start ticking for sure at some point as structure will be coming on the back of lorries direct to site all the way from Latvia. We better be ready!

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2 hours ago, Mr Punter said:

I am interested that you chose CLT.  What are the benefits / your motivations behind this?

Hello Mr Punter... Good question - there are of course the usually touted benefits from any pre-fabricated system of speed, reduced trades on site etc, and with CLT the improved environmental credentials in terms of carbon sequestration and air tightness should help to offset our use of concrete in the design... but to be perfectly honest our real motivations are more driven by the feel of the finished building and what seemed to best match our design intent. During our research we found the CLT buildings we visited just had such a great feel to them - solid, warm, quiet and homely. 

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Are you going to leave much of it exposed internally?  I imagine it is expensive, so a shame to cover it in plasterboard.  If it is left exposed I am interested in seeing how you run services.  Any pictures you take along the way would be appreciated.

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This has been a topic of debate with us for quite a while... cost for visual grade CLT can be pretty pricey and as you say it makes dealing with services tricky. Too much exposed and you can also end up with a look that, in my opinion, maybe suits a ski lodge, or public building but is limiting for a family home. Some people love it though and if you do then it’s a great option - but you also need to be more picky over your ultimate CLT supplier as I hear some do a better visual grade than others. 

Current plan is to mix wood panelling with plasterboard sections and potentially leave some key CLT areas exposed. Ceilings are going to be plaster boarded and hung so we can run services there as well as in the hefty insulation zone on top of the first floor slab along with a few internal walls that are going to be stud for this purpose. Our architects have done a seemingly good job accounting for all this in the plan and have worked really hard on getting what looks like a good routing scheme for the MVHR and waste etc. Electrics is up to us though - wiring to sockets and light switches will be tricky so that’s why we’re looking at covering certain areas. 

Will definitely take pics and share along the way...

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