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Hi everyone, I haven't moved on a great deal with the build. Currently decorating, flooring and second fix. I'll copy my old blog over when I get time. I guess it'll just be a Copy and Paste job, hope it's straightforward!

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Guest Alphonsox

Welcome back - You'll need Admin permission to set up a blog here. Drop them an email and they will do the necessary.

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Hi Peter,

I'm really glad you found us, as I'm part way through designing and building a wireless treatment plant air pressure indicator.  It's early days, but if it works it will be as easy for me to make two as make one, and taking heed of your comments on the other place about a rise in air pressure being an indication of sediment build up, which can damage the pump from over-pressure if allowed to continue for too long, I thought it would be useful to have a remote way of checking the pressure at the pump, from inside the house.

I'll start a thread on it in the Boffin's Corner bit as soon as I've finished the current batch of blog transfers.  Blog transfers are copy and paste, the main problem is that if you have a lot of photos then it's a bit of a pain copying stuff in chunks, uploading photos here and then inserting them in the right place.  There's also a slight issue over the entries on Ebuild having lots of links to Ebuilds file repository that need to be broken when pasted in here.

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13 minutes ago, PeterStarck said:

[...] I'll copy my old blog over when I get time. I guess it'll just be a Copy and Paste job, hope it's straightforward!


Yes, it is easy to copy the blog across. If you have the original photos on your hard disk, use those.

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