I have two orange waste pipes sticking out of the slab for the en-suite bathrooms. I have to put a solvent 110mm boss connector https://www.screwfix.com/p/floplast-sp583g-short-boss-pipe-grey-110mm/17138?tc=HB7&ds_kid=92700048793290397&ds_rl=1249404&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt-WllOfz5wIVmK3tCh2 onto each pipe and was supposed to use gap filling cement but as per the thread title used normal solvent on one pipe (not concentrating) and gap filling cement on another. So my question is will it matter as both pipes seem to have adhered but I cannot test the joint as the drains are not finished, have no access to outside at the moment as I could fill the pipe up with water. I still have access to inside the pipe so could perhaps do something to the inside if it is deemed that the wrong solvent has been used. This joint will be inside a tiled wall when finished so need to get this right, may be stop daydreaming when doing important jobs!!TIA