In your planning objection make sure you ONLY put material planning concerns, i.e. don't mention the value of your own property or your personal current or future circumstances as it will be ignored, sadly.
The reason for this is because as far as the planners are concerned you won't occupy your house forever, you might move house next week, they consider future inhabitants of your property too.
The points you or someone you live with can push are: the 45 degree rule, overlooking/loss of privacy, loss of sunlight if this will actually be the case (check the light path/shadow studies), overbearing/overwhelming, loss of outlook (but not change/loss of views), potentially you can object on disabled persons access grounds if you are disabled, or any design/appearance/character changes from the street view, potential traffic generation/parking if this can be proven.
Good luck and do try and only mention what are valid planning objection grounds.