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  1. One advantage of the Midea is that it’s compatible with the new Homely controller, have a look at the Heat Geek video for more info, very clever bit of kit.
  2. Currently planning a monobloc ASHP install. I was wondering what rodent (mice) protection ASHPs have? We are in a rural area and have had car wiring / fuel pipes nibbled in the past so seems likely a mouse would go near a monobloc unit at some point! I’m looking at a Samsung Gen 6 but assume there is a degree of commonality. Thanks
  3. I’d also recommend these fastenings for screwing the boards in place. They have very good pull out strength, countersink they face of the timber without damaging the wood (preventing moisture staying around the screw head) and are a fraction of the cost of other options sold by expensive saw mills! 5.0 x 60mm Quad Cut Countersunk TX25 A4 316 Stainless https://swiftfix.co.uk/5-0-x-60mm-Quad-Cut-Countersunk-TX25-Torx-Drive-A4-316-Stainless-Steel-Box-of-200-p57346081
  4. If the detailing is right and the logs well selected European (Scottish) Larch is excellent. Russwood is extremely expensive, for no apparent reason. Any good saw mill selects boards, I don’t see any difference between them and a decent sawmill. I recently bought some machined boards from Fasque Timber https://www.fasque.com/fasque-timber-products The quality was excellent, boards machined to my profile and a fraction of the cost of Russwood. all add some photos later.
  5. I’m building a timber suspended floor and I’m working what vermin protection is normally fitted in way of the underfloor vents. Is it common practice to rely on the air brick holds (say 4 x 4mm) to prevent mice or similar coming in or do people fit stainless steel inset mesh inside the air bricks? Many thanks in advance.
  6. Just to let everybody know, I bought 13 rolls of Tescon Vana tape from Latzel Dammstoffe for about 16 Euro each. A few points worth knowing: - Post brexit your order value with them has to be over 200 Euro. (They are not registered in some way for the below £135 scheme where VAT isn’t refunded). - They refund you the German VAT less a few fees (approx 25 euro in my case). - You pay the UK VAT and UK Import Duty to the courier before the parcel is released for delivery. Even with the additional charges, it’s considerably cheaper than buying the tape in the UK. The above is probably obvious to most but it was the first time I’d bought anything of any value from the EU post Brexit so it might be useful to some.
  7. What are you finding now, post Brexit is the cheapest place to buy Tesco Vana tape from? I have spoken to the company in Germany mentioned above and they now require an order value of over 200 euro. The tape is 16euro a roll through. anybody fancy splitting a batch if I order some? I don’t need that much. thanks
  8. I am installing roof trusses and have several which are doubled up, for example, in way of a Velux. My question is how are the doubled up roof trusses typically connected together? Just nailed or are they bolted? If bolted, would spiked connection plates be used in between them? Many thanks
  9. Many thanks for the replies, I’ll go for Option 2.
  10. I am stick building 145mm panels for a 60msq workshop building. My question is should the vertical joints in the OSB sheathing be: 1. Between the vertical 145mm studs (with 2mm expansion gap between boards) 2. Centered upon a vertical stud. (Theoretically, in terms of racking resistance, this option is obviously better but realistically it’s difficult to fasten with a nail gun the edges of the two sheets onto one stud) option 1 is obviously a lot easier! Thanks.
  11. Thank for you this post, it’s very useful indeed.
  12. I am building a 11x5m workshop and guest bedroom building and am getting quotes for windows. Allan Brothers have quoted to supply all timber windows and doors from ‘Outline’, a Danish company. I believe they are part of the same group. https://www.outline.dk/en/ We used Nordan when we built our house a few years ago but I want to change. On paper Outline look good, but does anybody have any real world experience? Many thanks
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