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Lesgrandepotato last won the day on April 28 2019

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  1. Car and camper in the garage. But then I built this and bought a cnc machine…. More workshop and storage space needed. I do need to update you kiddies on my micro hydro scheme as well. We gonna start making electric!
  2. I’m starting to plan out a workshop and office build along side our house. Our build is in an amphitheater with a stream / water fall running through. Everything goes mossy sooner or later so I’m thinking about embracing that… So I’m trying to get my head round the construction detail for a green roof, we won’t bring in flora and fauna. We’ve got enough of that already. My main thought concern at the moment is around the additional weight and drainage. I’d expect we’d cover the roof i ln gravel and a light soil. Drainage off the side into the beck below.
  3. We’ve got an internal garage, about 8m X 4m it’s fully plastered, insulated and triple glazed. I’d like a bit more space for a rudimentary gym and to have the table tennis table up more easily. So I’m thinking about taking the garage door out and replacing with a set of French doors. We’d then built out to the beck side another 8x5 (narrowing to 8x4) alongside. I can’t quite get my head round if this needs planning or not. Given the proximity to the beck I’m minded to go for SIPs on a simple concrete raft foundation. Any guidance here would be welcome!
  4. So we are looking at this, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203826484109?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gTu9OIukRj2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=LqJxcZC1QQu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Seems to have a fairly linear power generation. We have 3 immersions on the tank, 2*1kw, and a single 3kw. Looking at a line voltage of 48v DC. So from some highly fag packet based maths about 5kw of immersion should get me the resistive load I need.
  5. So this is slowly moving towards fruition - more calcs this week 🙂
  6. You can buy a Weber Smokey mountain with the proceeds of the glass transaction once I get organised
  7. Nobody said naked. I thing you’ve been misidentified.
  8. Totally agree. Why have a cantilever without a purpose?
  9. Felt quite familiar, we are on the site of an old mill and less than 10miles away.
  10. I liked the concept of the building with the new partially roofless shell. It gave a nice sense of what had been there previous. I’m not sure it quite landed for me, but I like the bold idea.
  11. Love this build with Olaf. What a place. Loved the previous one as well, but this one is art on a budget and it rings much more true to me.
  12. It’s going to tear the surface off. Suspect it needs something very very hard.
  13. I don’t know. I only employ traditional methods
  14. The set into the floor seats six whirlpool bath.
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