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Everything posted by albert

  1. Thanks guys that is really helpful.
  2. I have an application in which there have been no planning notices and only one neighbor was informed by letter. The application was advertised but both the letter to the neighbor and the advert were posted after the Parrish council met and supported the application. Is this allowed ? is it not the Parrish councils role to represent the Parrish and for locals to be able to discuss applications with them before they meet and make divisions. ? Despite lack of publicity there have been a number of comments (objections) posted but I would like this application to go to committee so locals can be properly heard. What steps need to happen for this to be decided. Thanks in advance
  3. I have an issue regarding a large application where the aplicant has applied for 5 dwelling but has included in his applicatioion land that belongs to me and others, my question is should the application be withdrawn on this bassis? or can I request that is withdrawn with the planners. LR records clearly show seperate owership and titles. The applicant has also included land that he has a right of way over but is not in his ownership, again should this be included in the Location , block plans , drainage plans and Enviromental report ? Many thanks in advance A
  4. Thanks all on this. The courts have now ordered an expert witness to report if the property safe for habitation who would you suggest is the best person to do this? building surveyors, fire surveyor , the building control provider has said they can not report other than on the outstanding works that remain incomplete. fire service said they will home visit but can cant report in writing just advise the occupant and this is non enforceable. any advice welcome. I interested to know that a private Building control provider can serve a contravention notice but of course that have no interest in doing this.
  5. Thanks everyone, they have another home available but its samller so this is a choice not a necsssaty. Building control is by private firm , so I assume LABC would have to be apointed to serve a contravention notice or other. I will contact them for advice. Thankyou.
  6. Hi all I have a situation where I was building a family home but it was partially complete before a marriage breakdown. My ex has moved into this property despite my advice that this is not safe as there is no completion certificate but more importantly the protected stairwell it not operational as walls have not been boarded and fire doors not operational.( The house was a large barn conversion and many rooms had small windows not fire escape windows) I am very concerned regarding my young child safety in the event of a fire. How can I best demonstrate that this is not safe and is there any guidance on this in the building regs . Thanks In advance . A
  7. Thanks. As always great info.
  8. Thank you . I don't live at the the property right now, is variation of a condition a full application requiring displaying of a sign?
  9. I have some extremely unlucky circumstances and wanted to know if a planning application on my jointly owned property can be lodged with out my knowledge and or consent. I am expecting a variation of condition application and I am concerned it could go unnoticed or not require a planning notice . ( I do not want the condition varied as it will devalue the property) . Is there anything I can do to make sure I am made aware. Thanks in advance. A
  10. I am after advice on a site we have under construction (new build) is is insured under my contracts all works insurance but the client wants to move in before we have fitted fire doors or completed the works. Where could I get guidance on this please . My insurers are vague at best. Thanks in advance A
  11. As above, unfortunately I am in this position following an accident involving brain injury. It has been a long time but this was always a good source of reliable info. I am taking legal advice but interested to hear opinions too. (Fire doors not fitted with closers , not all wall PB, exposed pipe work and wiring, stairs and handrails are of temp construction, cladding unfinished on some elevations etc etc. has kitchen and bathrooom , bed rooms.) Many Thanks
  12. Further to my previous post I have sorted a system with the LABC but I'm looking for a someone in Scotland, preferably the western isles to help produce building control drawing for a small TF house. I now have a local SE and NHBC warranty sorted out but I would like use a local firm to produce the drawings for the warrant. I am awaiting return calls from a number of people but if anyone knows of any contacts that could help that would be much appreciated. A
  13. Further to my previous post I have sorted a system with the LABC but I'm looking for a someone in Scotland, preferably the western isles to help produce building control drawing for a small TF house. I now have a local SE and NHBC warranty sorted out but I would like use a local firm to produce the drawings for the warrant. I am awaiting return calls from a number of people but if anyone knows of any contacts that could help that would be much appreciated. A
  14. Yes that is correct most of what we do has to fall in this caravan category but some builds are actual mortgageable houses that sit on foundations. [commercial product name removed]. The house will need full Building control as well as a structural warranty, all of these things we have done before in England but not in Scotland yet. We have another house( its actually an extension) going to Jersey where the same issues may apply so any suggestions gratefully received Many Thanks.
  15. Further to my post I have found a company Butler and Young Group that operates UK wide. A starting point at least.
  16. Hi We are building a small modular timber frame house for a Self Build customer in Scotland. The house will be build in the South West and will be shipped to Scotland in one section. This job requires full 10 year structural warranty and BC. The BC drawings are being produced now I wondered if anyone had experience in modular BC process or suggestions of company's that could deal with the two extremes in location of the house construction and ground works. The house will be fully finished in our workshop and signed off by all trades after running up and testing and will then be lowered on to foundations on site. Any help much appreciated, we normally use Stromar or LABC but I don't think they cover Scottish regs. Thanks in advance A
  17. HI Reddal , I know this is an old post but I am drastically reducing budget on my build due to business uncertainty and with 200m 2 ground floor I'm looking at this technique and wondered how the colour and finish has held up to date. My slab is in and I have powerfloated unpolished finish which should be perfect , I concerned about UFH pipes in the slab. Thanks in advance A
  18. Hi I'm considering exposing the underside of my I joists and although we have done this in the past with solid joists without a problem I wondered what the regs are on joists and ceiling materials in a kitchen area. Clear fire retarders are available to give me 30 min but not sure how the BCO will view this? Any advice appreciated. A
  19. I have no water course to outlet into nearby and ground is solid clay hence the long run. what falls do you think work best on long runs as i am aware the solids can be left behind if its too steep.I was thinking 1:60 - 1:80
  20. I have permission for a holiday cabin 250 from my treatment pant and I can find any details on pipe size , chamber spacing's and fall for that distance of run. (max occupancy 4 persons) I have plenty of fall but i cant find any details in building regs. Any advice appreciated.
  21. Yes sorry I posted the sap report for the heat loss info. But fully take on board the need for more insulation to the GF to minimise heat loss from UFH. Being a Class Q steel frame the structure in complicated. I have time to boost the PIR under the slab. Getting back to the ASHP size, does 19kw sounds excessive ?? based on those heat loss figs as worst case.
  22. This is a barn conversion, BC have passed it, but I have upgraded Windows and doors at 1.3 now and floor upgraded also to 100mm PIR.. I will check with assessors again that all is OK. Thanks again for advice.
  23. I have this SAP report but I am not an expert in deciphering the information. !! 2018 Full SAP Calculation.pdf
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