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  1. @saveasteading you live in a 100 year old timber frame house? I'd always assume anything built in 1920 was better than it's 2020 equivalent. Not always true but we cut a lot of corners now. Timber is much lower quality product nowadays. I have nothing against timber frame. How old was the roof on the Notre Dame before it burned down? No steel or concrete in that. I also know about the struggles to find quality timber for it's rebuild.
  2. And it's a fair point. Although EPS manufacturing is actually done with a waste byproduct so you could argue it is better to make EPS than not make EPS
  3. Only if an engineer says so. There are a couple of products out there peddling this "truth". Ultimately, if an engineer says it needs rebar, it needs rebar. As far as sustainability is concerned. Saveasteading is right about the end of life options for an ICF build but bare in mind that 1, the life of the ICF build is at least twice that of a stick build, if not four times; 2, tree farming is one of the least sustainable farming practices on the planet and 3, an ICF done correctly will need less maintenance throughout our it's life.
  4. Simple, what are sap assessments costing people? I know exactly what games you can play with a mathematical model. I'm just interested in what people are paying for the pleasure.
  5. It's a poorly phrased question, I guess. What I am getting at is that a collaborative SAP can inform design and yield project savings. A cheap and cheerful provides one answer. A more involved process provides a real world solution. The use of standard values, "book" values and manufacturer specific values etc all change the results. Further, not all ICF manufacturers can provide full datasets. I see a number of sources saying as built is pointless and is just a sales benefit and due process. Understandable but it still has a cost and it is these costs that I am interested in.
  6. Not all architects undertake SAP, and those that do often show SAP costs separately. I'm interested in the range of those costs An assessor with ICF experience can produce a very different result to an assessor with no ICF experience. So I'm also interested in people's experience in this regard.
  7. Hi all, Doing a bit of research on the cost of as drawn and as built SAP specifically on ICF builds. Appreciate that cost generally varies with build size and complexity. I get the distinct impression there are two classes of assessment: a cheap, surface approach and a nuts and bolts, under every rock approach. I'd also be interested to hear from anyone that has gone down the DIY route. Thanks.
  8. I think the main emphasis from BC is maintainable. Types A and B tend to not be easily maintained/repaired. Type C should be a fail-safe. Most contractors we use essentially only guarantee type C.
  9. Offcuts, foam and builders band work perfectly. You don't need the dovetails. Timber can also be used to brace/hold them in place.
  10. Would recommend 47mm deep plasterboard boxes and all chases hot knifed and conduited between webs.
  11. Cut up your waste if you've got any
  12. Paperwork 🤣 Honestly, not really sure. Obviously Nudura are pushing their dryvit brand. Different adhesive properties on different densities of background.
  13. I would check that anyone providing warranty/BC is happy with k rend on Nudura. Seems to be a different edict every month on renders.
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