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John Keith

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Everything posted by John Keith

  1. I guess you've already done it now but for anyone else...I'll add a link. Underside of sole plate should be at or above ffl apparently? https://nhbc-standards.co.uk/6-superstructure-excluding-roofs/6-3-internal-walls/6-3-5-load-bearing-timber-walls/
  2. I've seen a few prices quoted, so thought I'd ask here. How much are people charging / paying to fit a straight staircase in a new build house. For example, a Howdens MDF staircase? Might get @The_sebby_show from Youtube!
  3. In a property (3 bed house) with heating all taken care of by air to air heat pump, what is the most effective way to provide hot water for the kitchen sink and downstairs wc, plus bathroom and en-suite upstairs? I'm envisaging an electric boiler in the utility room for downstairs and another in a cupboard upstairs for basins and 2 showers. Not having a bathtub. Any actual experience? If not, expert advice welcome. Not eligible for govt. grants.
  4. We will be building a 3 bed detached house to be sold once completed. Most new builds don't seem to use coving. Maybe it's my age but it looks unfinished. What are peoples preferences, coving or not? Maybe just the lounge and kitchen/diner?
  5. He means he is going to build a new house which will need a 10 year structural warranty, and he is asking for recommendations such as LABC, NHBC, Build Zone, etc
  6. XR35 blocks with 152mm concrete core. 0.16 u value
  7. https://www.mybuilder.com/electrical/price-guides/cost-to-rewire-a-house might be of interest?
  8. I haven't included the cost of 10 or 12mm rebar that is used as lintels but since it means no Catnic lintels, dpc or cavity trays, I'm pretty sure it's cheaper too
  9. Total cost of Nudura blocks is £14,900 C35 concrete is £675 C25 concrete is £2800 Plus pump truck £850 Call it £20,000. Add £9000 for the brick slips as described so that it allows for damage / waste. Then plasterboard the inside walls £700. That's finished wall construction inside and out which includes 102mm eps insulation inside and out with a u value of .016, no vapour barrier needed and it's £30,000.
  10. 6 inches 150mm yes, not 120mm. More details? What would you like? Highbridge-Pre-Planning-2022-kisatb.pdf
  11. Well, the wall is Nudura ICF and the slips from Brick-slips.co.uk can be applied straight onto the eps. The exterior wall is still the exterior wall. Blocks, clips, screws plus the concrete to fill the 120mm cavity of XR35 blocks (which have 102mm of insulation on each side) including the cost of the pump truck, for the 3-bedroom bungalow comes to £20,000 so with the ICF plus slips, plus plasterboard on the inside (again screwed directly to the integral nylon battens of the Nudura) brings it to less than £30,000. I should add, that price includes one block in the footing 457mm high, filled with C35 waterproof concrete to create a dpc. Yes I'm doing the Nudura myself (I'm trained) so that's why I used materials only numbers. Thanks.
  12. Here's an exercise for anyone considering using brick slips for external cladding. These prices are excluding vat, for 160m². Price for brick slips, rapid set adhesive, spacers and gun-applied coloured mortar. Total materials is £8600. Anyone fancy giving me a comparison price for 65mm face bricks with mortar and ties to attach to a substrate ( timber frame, etc.) Then, if anyone fancies giving a ballpark figure for brickwork including labour, that would also be useful.
  13. Why are uk brick slip companies so slow to get back to potential customers? Is it because they only want the 'big jobs' like corporate buildings? Looking at how many have gone out of business, maybe they should change their attitudes?
  14. Please excuse my ignorance, I'm just trying to learn as much about ASHP's and MVHR systems as possible, prior to building. I understand that when the outside temperature drops in winter, heat pumps are not as effective but, could a polycarbonate / plexyglass box be placed around the input? Having worked on building sites in winter, driving old plant machinery, I know that it's warmer inside the cab even without a heater. My thought is, assuming there is winter sunshine, whilst not being 'summer hot', the sunlight still has a modicum of heat to it, and a transparent plastic casing would encourage heat capture. I've never seen it done so I assume there's a reason it hasn't, but wondered why?
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