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    Northern Ireland

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  1. @Calvinmiddle Thanks for the info.
  2. Thanks guys. I don't think NIE must be open to applying for these bigger systems, but hopefully someone can prove me wrong - anyone from Northern Ireland been able to do this since the 4kW limit came in? Thanks
  3. Thanks @JSHarris. If we put in say 8kW system how would an inverter keep the export down to 4kW and what would it do with the extra?
  4. Call me a sceptic but I don't believe thats their only motivation. My neighbour has an 8kW system installed a few years ago before they brought the limits down.
  5. @Crofter No idea, but sounds messy. It's crazy that the utility companies can try and stifle renewables like this. Thanks L.
  6. Thanks @Declan52 , I'll take a look. L.
  7. Some prices here - http://www.solarfixni.co.uk/solarpanelsystems/tesla/ L.
  8. Yup, they don't make economic sense yet, perhaps another generation will make the difference though.
  9. We have a Solar iBoost in current house that does the same thing. I guess a lot of us are waiting for a battery that makes economic sense still. Thanks
  10. Thanks @dogman We only have one supplier to export to over here - NIE. They are not exactly the most helpful bunch. Where does your excess generation go when the limiter kicks in?
  11. @billt Yes, I believe its actually an export limit. You could theoretically have more as long as you never exported more than 4kW back to the grid. So say you had a hen house that constantly consumed 10kW's then you could put in a 14kW system. Thanks
  12. Hi All Here in N.I. we can currently only connect a maximum of 4kW of PV to the grid. I don't want to go fully off-grid but I do want more than this. Has anyone here heard of or installed a mix of circuits, some supplied only by a PB/battery and some directly by the mains? Thanks
  13. Many thanks for all the great info guys, lots more reading and research to do. L.
  14. Hi All We're at the planning stages of our self build, continuing to do our research. It seems nearly everyone we speak to say they mostly build low energy rather than go near the full passive standard. Anyone got any experience of how much higher heating costs would be in a triple glazed house with say 200mm insulation and a 2.0 airtightness, rather than 300mm and 0.6? I know there are way too many variables to give a definitive answer, but all things being equal would it be 10% more to heat, 25%, 50% etc? Trying to weigh up if it's worth the diminishing returns to go past low-energy and the whole hog to passive. Many thanks
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