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Amateur bob

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Everything posted by Amateur bob

  1. ok might have a word then, do u think theyd allow me to start?
  2. yes ive had a look at the building warrant checklist it says 7 days too, ive got all of the planning conditions sorted out now except the one that says not to start the build until a sepa car license has been optained how much weight do these planning conditions carry? surely if its at least being processed by sepa when you start then a start could be made to founds itll be a while before any treatment plants are installed etc?
  3. Yes u have the warrant but i have not submitted the notification for start of works yet, i read somewhere ive to notify building control 24hrs before starting the founds so they can arrange someone to inspect the trenches? The sepa license is a planning condition not a building warrant condition so will the building control check up on this license? I dont really see the issue with it going into a field drain and down to the burn i cant think of any reason they wouldnt allow this? Cheers
  4. Interesting that ive bn issued the building warrant without it also i see with the building warrant application there is a pic showing where it discharges into the burn, although sepa have recentky asked the pic to be altered to show its a field drain and not a dry burn that runs down into the main burn, do u think i should just push on with founds but not connect up any drains yet?
  5. Several months? Is it a complex application? Thats concerning Yes i do have an approved building warrant and have a letter which states this, im not sure but i was looking through the planning conditions and this was one of them and spoke to the guy that handled the building warrant and he said get an engineer to apply for a sepa license for u which ive now done and paid sepa
  6. I applied for a sepa license 3 weeks ago to show my waste water from sewage treatment plant etc was going into a field drain and then down to a burn, ive heard nothing back yet and the builder is wanting to get started the foundations next month what is the usual timescale for this license and would i get away with starting the founds as long as i dont connect anything up to a drain? thanks
  7. Yes this is a potential issue, did you have much bother applying for a CAR license from SEPA? I applied last week and paid the fee but not sure how long itll take? Cheers
  8. I did an online quote they were a fair it dearer, whats easier about them? Will i need to give these protek guys much warning about when im starting founds? I might start in a few weeks time or it could be longer just depends on builder im currently trying to apply for sepa CAR license so not sure how long thatll take? Cheers
  9. interesting, they made no mention of these site visit costs i will read further im currently using a business loan to get the house built as i was having problems getting a self build mortgage with it being on a farm, the plan was to get it built then remortgage with a personal loan as itll be easier to get a lender, do you think this 2 year gap situation will affect my ability to get this mortgage? thanks!
  10. Good afternoon everyone i am planning a house build in central scotland, due to start next month and i have recieved a quote from protek for the 10 year structural warranty, i will paste this below, is this reasonable? one thing ive notived is that it doesnt include stage certificates, will this mean that future buyers of the house wont be able to get a mortgage or should this 10 year warranty be sufficient without this element? thanks Period: 10 Years Premium (inc IPT (12%)): £1,172.10 Technical Audit and Administration Fee: £2,170.00 Total Cost: £3,342.10
  11. Good afteroon, i have been speaking to 2 well known mortgage brokers to lend me money to build a house on the farm, they have come back to me with the options chorely and hanley economic, the only issue is that the plot is next to the farm and 30ft from a shed and the track in is 600m long and isnt tarred, theyve both told me its an 8 week process applying and at the end of this time period the valuer goes out to the site and the whole deal is subject to the valuers comments regarding how easily resaleable the plot is if it has to be reposessed ive been warned that this could be a stumbling block, what are peoples thoughts? should i scrap the self build loan idea and instead apply for a business loan and secure it on some fields thefarm owns? id be looking at an extra 2,5% interest rate with this option although offseting against tax should reduce this thanks
  12. what lender did mayflower set u up with?
  13. any word on them reentering the market?
  14. any word on when they are reentering the market?
  15. what lender did mayflower but u in touch with?
  16. The architect said it still needed done when i spoke to him although the called a sepa condition🧐
  17. Cheers ive only just contacted a civil engineer today so hopefully hes quick
  18. was it a condition that had to be met before the build could start?
  19. did it take long? or is SEPA consent something different from the CAR license?
  20. the building warrant is passed a few months ago but the CAR license is still to be done?
  21. Good morning i now have a builder lined up for starting in feb but have now found two outstanding planning conditions that i was told had been taken care of by architect but i hadnt checked until now so my fault, i will paste below, has anyone on here delt with similar matters before or know a rough timescale for setting these right? I will get in touble if i try to deal with these while the house is being built? Any advice appreciated, Thanks 9. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a detailed landscaping and planting scheme for the site shall be submitted for the written agreement of the Council as Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the height and slopes of any mounding or recontouring of the site, full details of all hard landscaping proposals including materials and installation methods and, species, height, size and density of trees and shrubs to be planted. Information shall be included to demonstrate how biodiversity will be enhanced within the site. The scheme as subsequently approved shall be carried out and completed within the first available planting season (October to March) after the completion or bringing into use of the development, whichever is the earlier, and the date of Practical Completion of the landscaping scheme shall be supplied in writing to the Council as Planning Authority within 7 days of that date. The scheme as agreed and implemented shall thereafter be maintained to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning Authori Development shall not commence until the applicant has submitted approved CAR licence(s) under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 for the drainage infrastructure associated with this project to the Council as Planning Authority and the Planning Authority has confirmed receipt of the documentation in writing
  22. i am looking to see what kind of mortgage i can get to build a house, who is the best mortgage broker to contact or should i approach multiple brokers? i am based in central scotland, cheers
  23. i am building a house next year and currently looking into this, the house is being built in the farmyard so will never be sold but do i need this HNBC warranty to get a mortgage?
  24. who did you end up going with for your mortgage in the end? cheers
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