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Everything posted by 2104GJ

  1. like many of you we are looking at a number of timber frame suppliers and, trying hard, to make effective comparisons between the different framing systems. We have had a price from MBC, and must say that we like the look of their product, but not necessarily the price. We have also looked at Touchwood, better price but different construction. Can you guys advice on the following' Is there a difference in performance and durability between a silicone seal and air tightness tape? Does it matter if the air tightness barrier is fitted on the warm or the cold side of the celluslose ? Is there a risk of mould growth with the Touchwood construction? Is there less risk of cold bridging with the twin wall system than with the I beam system? Has anybody out there lived with either system for a few years?
  2. Like a number of new homes we have large sections of south facing glazing. For a variety of reasons we don't have large overhangs nor, due to planning restrictions, can we have brise soleil. I am investigating external blinds, preferably a mesh that will still allow some light and view whilst reducing over heating. I have found an interesting company Renson (industrial and domestic products) has anybody used them? What products/solutions have others used?
  3. Is a timber framed house, full of cellulose, or any equivalent blown insulation, more of a fire risk than a block build house? I have seen house specs, for timber frames, that include sprinkler systems, roof and wall mounted, is this a necessity?
  4. Jack am I right in thinking that you didn't use a builder to oversee the whole build but brought trades on when needed? How long did the build take? Did you design the house yourself?
  5. I find it deeply depressing reading some of the m2 costs that people are quoting-where do you all live? We are in Hampshire, within the new SDNP, where house and land prices are astronomical. To add to this, as curlewhouse noted, planning, additional reports, planning appeal consultants and more, all add many thousands to the end cost. But the biggest barrier to building here is the m2 cost- from £2.5-3,500 per 2m. Have we just met the wrong builders? But i THINK not as we have spoken to many and house builders who say £3,000 per m2 is becoming the norm.
  6. Since you have been installing shadow margins for such a long time would you recommend them for residential use?
  7. Thanks for the 'how to' information, it is very useful. I haven't quite decided if we shall use shadow gaps or recessed skirting- simply because I don't know how it will 'weather' over time. But very tempting all the same!
  8. Hi. Does anybody have any thoughts/experience of installing and living with shadow gaps. They look great but how do they survive once the family has moved in?
  9. Hello. We are in the process of deciding which timber frame manufacturer to go with. MBC is the name that keeps cropping up, but I'm reluctant to go with them without exploring other options. Did you look at MBC, get a price from them, why did you go with Touchwood in the end?
  10. Hello. We live in Hampshire and have just been granted PP after 18 months! I have been reading many building blogs and have found the information invaluable. We are thinking of building using MBC and 2/3 of the roof area will be flat. At an Environmental Workshop, the aim of which was to ensure that the house does not overheat, it was suggested that we would need to install a green roof to prevent overheating. The thinking being that the green roof will provide shading and the aggregate an amount of thermal mass. Does any body out there have experience of controlling heat gain through a flat roof? Is a green roof the only option to control temp gain? Many thanks
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