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Everything posted by Arnold9801

  1. We got a large new build that's almost been fully plastered. The emulsions is going to be a big job and like so much of the build project, we've had to do so much of it ourselves to save money. The internal painting is going to be done by wife and I and I'd like recommendations for a paint spraying system as an alternative to using a roller. Can anyone recommend a reliable but not "sky high" priced system please? Regards.
  2. I mist have been having a derr moment! Thanks for clarifying that!
  3. I have a lot of plasterboards to fix on our new builds stud partition walls upstairs. I've started by using 5x columns of 10 screws on each sheet of 8ft x 4ft plasterboards resulting in 300mm spacings. With 50 screws per sheet my plasterer says the spacings should be 9 inches apart on the walls. Could someone advise me on what's best as British Gypsum says on their website to use 32 drywall screws? I'm using more than they recommend and yet my plasterer says I should be using more than that again! Many thanks. Arnold9801
  4. I'm looking for about 2,000 of 5x50mm wood screws. I like the Turbo gold by Screwfix but the prices aren't good.Does anyone know of good sources for bulk buying of this size screw? Thanks
  5. I tried ha d pressing sellotape on them but it did nothing. Was wondering about a hair dryer? Thanks for your replies.
  6. I've tried an acetone but it doesn't touch it. I'm afraid if I use something strong like white spirit, turps etc, it will discolour the black frames.
  7. There's been a 12mth delay in finishing the dormas on our new build. Subsequently I've started to remove the tape off the outside of the window frames and doors. OMG, what a nightmare. They're on the South side of the property and the sun has done something to them as they're bonded to the frames. As you pull them off, they all break up in little bits rather than come off in one. This means I have to use my thumb nail to scrape them off which is taking forever. I tried to scrape but it's damaging the frames. A solvent cleaner doesn't do anything and I'm afraid it will also damage the frames. Has anyone else had this issue and if so any hints on a better way to remove them?
  8. I've, almost completed the insulation on our large new build roof using Actis insulation. The final part was covering the honeycomb insulation with the Actis foil or blanket. The overlapping joints need to be taped and with the amount that I require and the price for Actis very own tape for this, I was wondering if anyone else has used a cheaper but just as effective 100mm tape? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you. Arnold9801
  9. B&q are giving me a good deal.
  10. I'm about to buy 100mm acoustic insulation from b&q for above the downstairs ceilings/upstairs floor and hope this, will suffice? Anybody willing to comment. It would be appreciated. Arnold9801
  11. Ceramic.
  12. Will be tiling the walls in four bathrooms in new build. The tiles are 600mm square. What's the most recommended tile adhesive in the trade? Arnold9801
  13. I have 50 8x4 insulated plasterboards to fit on a new builds concrete block internal wall. Which adhesive is recommended and is it ok to fit just two mechanical fixings to each board (one tip and bottom in the middle)? Many thanks. Arnold9801
  14. I've got to fix a lot of 8x4ft insulated plasterboards in our new build to the internal concrete block walls. Can anyone recommend the best foam adhesive to use on the back of them please? Furthermore I intend to put two mechanical fixings on each sheet. Is that adequate? Many thanks. Arnold9801
  15. I’m about to start fixing the Actis Boost hybrid sheet in the roof space. With the roof being made with lots of ‘A’ frames how can a good seal be achieved as these cross pieces where they join the main roof timbers cause a real obstruction. It’s not just a case of laying the foil flat across the timbers which would be ideal. Any advice would be appreciated. Arnold9801
  16. I’m just calculating costs for ceiling plaster boards for upstairs bedrooms, bathrooms on our new build. The foil backed plaster boards are way more expensive compared to normal plaster boards. Would it be ok to fit normal instead of the foil backed? Arnold9801
  17. Many Thanks.
  18. I'm about to lay the Actis foil and need advice on the tape I use. Do you have to use their own branded tape or is there an alternative that can be used instead? Screwfix sell a same sized foil tape and I can get this at anytime as there's a Screwfix outlet just by me and woukd be much easier to get than by mail ordering. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  19. Can anyone recommend a good flue supplier please?
  20. Hi Russ I take your point which is my intention anyway. Is there flexibility in terms of which collated screws you can use in your tool? Like I said I'm going to stick with Makita due to me having four makita batteries anyway. Now I'm looking at buying screws for these a d see them at various prices. I've got about 100x sheets to screw what with walls and ceilings, so is there any flexibility or do you have to buy Makita ones as any other just won't be compatible? Arnold9801
  21. My ducting will be for the bathrooms to the roof vent.
  22. I understand it’s best to get smooth ducting to avoid restricting the airflow. Does that mean underground 110mm tubing will be suitable?
  23. Many thanks
  24. I'm thinking of getting one of these as I have a lot of plasterboarding to do on our new build. Can anyone advise me on how they find them and if they're worth it? Thanks Arnold9801
  25. Many Thanks
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