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  • About Me
    Me and my partner are actively looking for a plot in Scotland to begin our self build journey. looking to build a 170-200m2 4 bedroom home.

    If anyone has any information/help or recommendations they think might be useful for me dont hesitate to contact me.
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  1. Hi, Me and my wife are thinking about getting a log burner ins, do you require planning or anything in Scotland does the group know? Just wondered because we will need a flue outside.
  2. Got it lads, the pump wont produce heat if the rooms are 22 degrees on the thermostats. We were trying force it higher just to check the rads but it wont heat the water much just a thing its set to seemingly, i called grant.
  3. Hello group, We have a ASHP (Grant Aerona 13kw) and we are finding it difficult to get the rads upstairs to heat up at all? the heat pump is asking for heat on the digital control panel thing its like a little sun and then its also saying the "circulating pump" is on and working and we can hear and feel the water swishing about upstairs but the rads dont seem to heat up.... was briefly reading the manual and im wondering if this is the weather compensation thing.... its saying if its hot outside it wont heat the water very hot. Has anyone got a Grant heat pump or can help with this sort of thing :)? Thanks in advance M
  4. Sorry yes it would i would think the inspection chamber is right on our boundary before going east which is down hill also so were thinking thats the problem area.
  5. What is IC sorry?
  6. itll go for miles i assume m8, and even then its through some pretty rough looking trees etc, we have replaced our part so i dont see how we are responsible, i had a look back and the planning conditions were we to concreted it in on the driveway which we did and the builder just went and replaced the lot as he was saying its easier as the line was pretty old and knackered.
  7. no idea Dave. im not connecting to it. i assume its a soakway further down the road as the land here was pretty pish for water soaking away hence why i needed a soakway mound thing. so my best guess would be the septic tanks from all the houses around me (not mine though) all somehow are into this pipework line and go down the road somewhere into either a burn or maybe just the land as a soakway
  8. so i vaguely remembered a objection when we originally looked at the planning permission and here it is!! the pipework has previous!
  9. I dont actually know where the neighboring pipework goes, i just know i wasnt aloud to pipe into it and i have to get a sewage treatment plant and soakway
  10. i stay in the middle of no where, well about 10 miles from nearest city, there is only 5 houses about here so no mains sewage
  11. Yeah, im going down the neighbor route first and if there having none of it then it falls back with the builder, im paying nothing towards this lol, i asked him about it last week and he says its a blockage further up the line backfilling into the chamber and now leaking out the top, the neighbor does have alot of trees and shrubbery along his boundary the same boundary the pipe runs along so its sort of inevitable its going to be blocked some how with roots.
  12. my builder changed it out himself without even consulting us, we were told we had to replace and concrete the driveway in anyway so he just done the lot and put in a inspection chamber. it cant be us who have damaged it if its brand new pipework and our part isnt blocked, its further down, well wait for the neighbors response anyway.
  13. the blockacge is out of the shot of that photo we reckon, its not a new pipe further up
  14. pea gravel and all that is down i think this is a proper drainage company that put it in
  15. it did cross my mind haha but i would rather get it sorted for everybodys sake mate, once its sorted, my builder reckons its a blockage further up there line and suggests getting it unblocked and a camera survey done to pinpoint the issues and have it all in writiing but i dont see why i should be paying for it lol
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