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  1. @lizzie I've had a really crap install by Ecotec of Internorm windows. Did you manage to get any help from Internorm?
  2. Don't suppose you have the Internorm standard guidelines/recommendations that you could send to me?
  3. Don't suppose you have the Internorm standard guidelines/recommendations that you could send to me?
  4. Any one have a copy of these that they could send me? In particular I'm looking for the details of how the windows/sliding doors/doors should be put in the window holes. 1. As in, what are the min-max margins that should be around the frames? 2. What substrate should be pins/screws be put into? 3. What should the sliding doors rest on? and the like.
  5. Thank you. I;ve been in tears over this. After their visit I emailed Ecotec with my summary of their visit 'expanding foam to fill the gaps, wrap in Illbruch ME508 and cover with Aluminium sill.' I'm getting my shit together and going to to man up next week. Thank you for your support. C
  6. and corner lower external edges of windows. Where the wedges are. Is it 'ok' the fill the hole and cover the wedges with expanding foam and then cover with a sill? If the foam isn't all the way around, will water just pool and track back at the wedges?
  7. Compriband Black foam and the wooden Internorm frames. Around the outside of the the frames is the black foam. I see white lines that are the wooden frames. The fitter says that 2mm of the wooden frame needs to be exposed to the exterior air/exposed so the frame can dry out. Is this true?
  8. Cavity walls and expanding foam and plaster board. Cavity wall breaching. 'All it is is plaster board' But surely this isn't right. They also said ;'that was how your walls where made.' But if the cavity is open and its edge is on the wooden frame of the Internorm would the damp/humidity of the cavity damage the frames?
  9. 2nd thought post visit. The front life and slide doors that rest on the old pvc/chip board ledge are also too short. Or there'd be no need for the ledge. The fitter said that the new doors couldn't be on the floor as the concret was crumbled. ......So I had a look and its not. And the fitter wouldn't have known this when they did the measuring. And there is a continuous gap under the frame of the door. The gap is a gap with no supports. No fixing. This cant be right. Please send check me as I really doubt myself.
  10. The MD and the fitter came out yesterday and it was ok. But today I think I was too polite and just accepted what they said. The large lift snd slide doors at the back. With the horrid gap underneath. The end 60cm or so is just resting on the edge of the 6 floor boards. The floor board joist is about the same distance away and inline with the doors. The MD and the fitter stamped on the floor there and said that it was solid. The fitter said that he was satisfied. Is this correct? Should the door be supported by brick or something for all its length? or part of it? Given the threshold is up (see other thread . sorry I should have put it all in one place.) is the door just too short? (if it has been heigher then it would have rested on both inner and outer brick layers.
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