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Everything posted by success1980

  1. No turning at the end as it's only two houses, mine and another one (the second garage). The left half of the red area are shrubs. You are right though, I may just leave it as it is. The neighbour may want to use it to get in his garage in future, even though he didn't for years. Thanks for the advice
  2. Thank you all again for your comments. I have taken an extract from google maps to show to illustrate what I mean. Blue = my garden Green = my garage Red = my driveway - essentially the last few meters of the access road. Owned by me. The red part is what I am referring to. It has the right of way on it. The estate was only developed around 12 years ago and I believe this was implemented by the developer to secure planning permission easier. It was a builders merchant before.
  3. Thanks for your answers. A few more details to make it clearer. There is no footpath, it doesn't lead anywhere. When the 20 houses were built 12 years ago, all roadways and open spaces were generalised and assigned a "public right of way" ... that's it, no footpath or anything. I then purchased the small section (road) outside my detached double garage, mainly to ensure i own the land that I need to get to my parking situation - i knew at this stage about the right of way. I hope I can illustrate in words how it looks ... it is a dead end with a fence to your left, directly in front, and my garage to the right. The only way someone can exercise the right or way is to walk on it, turn around a d walk off it again. And yes, I'd like to remove the "right of way" ... the honest reason is that I like things to be simple. I'd like to own what I own ... not "own, but ...". I hope that makes sense. I'm happy to pay the cost of going through the process. And I don't want to do anyone a disadvantage at all ... noone has ever been on this land, nor do I see anyone ever doing so.
  4. Hi all, I bought a small parcel of land (which is directly outside my garage) from the original developer a few years ago. It is at the end of the road and borders my garden ... essentially I bought the last 6 meters of the road. The land has a right of way on it, which has never been used. There is no footpath and the road doesn't lead anywhere, except my garden. Is there a way of lifting the right of way? I read that something called "stopping up order" can be sought? Just to clarify ... i have no plans to develop or build on it. I'm just a bit particular about something like this. Thanks in advance for all responses.
  5. Hello everyone, I have a white renderd boundary wall around my driveway with in and out openings for gates. The gates will come at a later stage but I already have the powe supply cables there. I may not have thought that through when building it but I now have ugly cables coming out of my wall near the end pillars. I could chisel out the wall again and put them behind a simple plastic access panel but don't really want a massive hole after installing the gates. So I was thinking to just fix a 200x300mm white plastic box to the wall and hide everything in that. However, it is impossible to fine a shallow one as I don't want it to be deeper than 60mm ish. Does anyone have an idea where I can get such a box or what else I can do please? Thanks
  6. Hi all, I have a white rendered boundary wall with black, powdercoated railings panels. I am now looking for coping stones to give the wall the finishing touch. Can anyone recommend options for black coping stones? Will need to be black to match the panels. Thanks
  7. I have decided to have all panels level to and adjust the walls with coping later on. The reason is that the panels consist of horizontal slats which (once the gates are in) run in one line all the way through. The wall was out by 3cm along the 23m of wall, individual panels were out by maybe 1.5cm. Will post a pic once done. Thanks for all responses
  8. Hi all, I have a white rendered wall 0.9m high with 1.8m pillars soaced 1.7m apart. The gaps between the pillars will be fitted with black powder coated panels with horizontal slats. The wall is sloping 5cm from one end to the other. My question now is, do I follow the wall with the panels (meaning they won't exaclty be at the same level) or do I level the panels all the way along and infill the 5cm with coping and other methods? Glad for any ideas, thanks
  9. Good idea, might give that a try. Thanks
  10. That might be the simplest solution as it is a retrofit and i can't go straight down anymore
  11. Hi all, I have run the cables for my lights and gate openers to the house now and have to go in through the external wall about 500mm above the finished drive. Was looking into 30mm black ducting but it doesn't look nice Is there an elegant solution to hide these as much as possible? Thanks
  12. Thanks all. A Bioethanol burner is an option but we like the idea if a woodburner and want to see if that can be done first. We want to hide the flue inside as we don't want to see it. Outside a black flue can go up on the side of the house. Should look something like the attached picture.
  13. Thank you, happy with everything that makes it easier. Do you mean twin wall flue?
  14. We have no chimney in our house but really want a wood burner for ambiance. We are after a contemporary design with an inset corner fireplace. I have beed quoted 8k for this and feel that's very expensive. My idea is to build a box out of breezeblocks (initial plans around 150cm wide, 50cm deep, as high as the room to hide flue) in the corner of the living room to house the fireplace. The flue will go up and out through the external timber frame wall, then up as high as required on the outside. Has anyone done something like this? Am I being naive to think I can do most of this myself (except safety critical bits of course)? Thanks
  15. Hi all, I am having an in- and out drive built soon with 1.8m pillars (rendered) either side. Eventually there will be sliding gates on both and I have an electrician coming soon to look at power supplies. I want lights on all 4 pillars for visual appearance and to stop people from driving into them ... thinking of elegant brick lights, lighting up the floor area so they don't blind other drivers. Can I please ask what you all have chosen? Maybe with pictures? Thanks
  16. Thank you for the details. I wouldn't install myself, too many things that can go wrong. Just wonderd how to get inside the house with the cables, I think the main power supply comes from underneath and I can't get to it. Will also have am electrician look at it beforehand.
  17. Hi all, I am having my driveway installed in 2 weeks and meed to run power to a few places. 1 have an in-and-out drive so will need power for two motors. I will also need power for 4 brick lights that will be in the piers of the two accesses. Additionally we want a lantern on the drive that needs power as well. My question is how I would best get power to it? I am unsure how to get it from the main fuse box under the stairs outside. Thanks
  18. I have the model "Tigris" which is fully finished in white and has a ladder effect design. I would have also liked the cottage style but I'm happy (wouldn't use JB Kind again though).
  19. Thanks for bringing this thread back up, I totally forgot to update everyone I got the doors from doorsuperstore.co.uk which are very good and helpful. The doors are JB Kind fully finished. The doors are in and they look good ... but let me briefly outline the nightmare we had to get to it. Ordering went very smoothly and delivery was scheduled. However, every single door was faulty - whend they were painted, the protective paper layer was put on too quickly and the paint hasn't fully dried yet, so it got stuck to the paint. All doors were exchanged and I spot checked the replacements (seemed fine). They started hanging the doors and found that some had imperfections, not from the painting but from cutting the horizontal grooves. Again, replacements arranged. The replacements arrived and they were the wrong shade of white - arranged replacements again. After waiting for a few weeks, they finally got the remaining doors delivered without fault. I am happy with doorsuperstore.co.uk as they dealt with all the issues well. JB Kind however, are not very forthcoming. Turns out that following my complaint, they checked all their stock and had to pull over 100 doors from sales due to the paint issue. I learned that the doors were actually made in Spain which is why deliveries took so long. Now that all doors are in, I am happy with them and they look good. But would I have known how much of a pain that would be, I would have gone for Oak!
  20. I saw there are a few manufacturers in Oz but for 8 panels I doubt it will be competitive. Worth checking though
  21. Thanks OnOff, good idea
  22. I was thinking of buying the slats individually and putting it together myself. It's still a possibility and something I want to look into, but if there are fencemakers out there that have made a few earlier, I'd probably have them instead
  23. I have quite a few different projects I want to deal with at the same time - the planning and preparation at least, and possibly purchasing the materials. Newest one is that we get a new drive build with a 24m boundary wall. This wall is 90cm high with pillars at 180cm hight. Inbetween the pillars I want to install contemporary, anthracite Alu fence panels at 2ish meters width and 90cm hight. The panels should be made from horizontal slats circa 5cm high with a gap of 3cm. I'm after the appearance of delicate, floating, horizontal lines. My issue is, I can't find a supplier. Well, I found one but they only do large scale projects and don't have the type I want. Has anyone got an idea where I could be looking at please?
  24. That sounds logic. The house was built by a quantity house builder so I would not be surprised to find thats true. To be honest, I hope it is ... as long as the walls are on strip foundations I'm happy. I will just scrape the gap and fill with something.
  25. Here are the pics. The gap is about 2.5cm wide and I can scrape soil out with a screwdriver. There doesn't seem to be any concrete underneath. It looks like I will have to try and get original plans to see how it was built ... I didn't build this house myself, just doing it up a bit.
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