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  1. Hello, Thanks for getting in touch. I have some 63mm gas pipe available, so thought I could use it. Were the posts from Wickes 40mm diameter? Don't think there is a smaller diameter wooden post available. Did they require much sanding down, and if you had the choice, what metal pipe would you use? I understand you must be busy, so I won't bombard you with further questions, but if you have any further tips or info, I'm happy to hear them. Kind regards Stevie
  2. That is the very blog that brought me to this site. Really impressive, inspirational work. I have sent him a wee question or two.
  3. Hello, Inspirational work. It was finding this information on building polycarbonate polytunnels that brought me to the buildhub site. Now I have joined and plan to build a polycarb at my allotment. Could I ask what size were the posts you sunk into the ground? Also, whether 63mm yellow gas pipe would perform similarly, if I used it, instead of the blue 63mm to create the hoops? Kind regards. Stevie
  4. Hello everyone, I am Stephen, from and living in Glasgow. On my allotment, the ever wilder storm winds are playing havoc with my polytunnel. It was looking for information on building polycarbonate polytunnels that brought me to this site. Also, I want to build a big shed in my back garden. The level of talent, experience and motivation on here is inspirational, but also pretty intimidating. To be honest, I have been thinking about building the shed for about 5 years and haven't yet started. With low skill and low output, I will be asking questions, and documenting any build progress I make. Before I get going though, I will make myself another cup of coffee and mibbe put the tele on for a bit...
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