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  1. This may be suited more the the flooring section of forum but I wasn’t sure. We are having UFH in our new build on the ground floor and obviously a screed will need to be poured over that. My question is, is there a type of screed that can be used that can then be polished and act as the main floor? If so, is this significantly more expensive as an option (obviously the saving of not using another flooring can offset this)?
  2. Apparently it’s just because labour prices are going up! That’s what I was told today…
  3. I honestly don’t know. But looking online, similar sizes seem available of both types so I can’t see why they weren’t matched like for like. But I don’t claim to know much about roofing!
  4. It’s part of a full turnkey package to try to minimise stress so quite tricky as don’t want to keep going out for quotes for every element. Are you saying get another quote because they are being unreasonable or just to benchmark the price?
  5. Hi all. I think this will be a quick question to answer for someone. We had originally specified artificial slate on our new build as our builder said it was cheaper, but now LPA say it has to be real slate. Builder is now adding on £1500 for labour to switch to real (there is about 45sqm of roof that it applies to) plus of course the extra material cost. does the extra labour cost sound reasonable? I’m guessing this is because they are heavier to lug up there? Or are they fitted differently? Just checking I’m not being had on! cheers
  6. Hence the title of this post. Trying to ascertain if cutting back hedges (which we could without planning as part of gardening) would count as ‘commencement’
  7. Another option would be a pre-app meeting. We simply sketched out roughly what we were planning and then booked an appointment with LPA. May cost more than planning consultant though depending on your LPA.
  8. Thank you. That’s why I’m trying to ascertain whether cutting back hedges and taking down a garage would be classed as development as we still have outstanding pre commencement conditions to clear.
  9. Thank you. I have checked all documents and can’t see anything. Do you know which particular form?
  10. Hi. We are going to be building a new house in the garden of current house starting next year. However we are keen to demolish a garage in the current garden. Although this was part of planning we could obviously do this anyway without planning permission. if we do this, would the development have officially started? Obviously we could do this completely separately to our actual house development, so I’m not sure where we stand. any info welcome. Thanks.
  11. Yes true. I think the best option is to transfer out the plot. Just need to figure out the transferring to myself issue. I know we could just go ahead and they would never know. Just more stress though….
  12. At the end, once new house is built. Then we’ll move into new house. Had planned on the split during sale, but now looks like mortgage company won’t allow us to build another dwelling on the land they have a charge on. Seems strange as surely this would only increase the value! They have suggested transferring out the garden plot and requesting the existing mortgage to stay on current house with smaller garden. Seems to be an issue transferring part of a title deed to yourself though….
  13. Sorry, I should have clarified. This is mortgage company for existing house. We fortunately do not need a mortgage for the building of new house
  14. That’s what I thought. However, they have said that essentially we are not allowed to create another habitable dwelling on the plot whilst it has the mortgage on
  15. Further to this. We contacted our mortgage company and they have refused to let us build a new property on the land. It’s crazy as our mortgage is pretty small in relation to the value of the land (about 30%). Seems to just be a blanket Lloyds policy although I have asked for them to highlight where in the policy it says this (although each request takes 3 weeks to reply to!!). Someone at the bank said I could actually transfer out the plot of land and ask the bank to accept keeping the existing mortgage on a smaller plot? Does anyone have experience of this and how it works in reality? Any tax implications?
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