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  1. I'd guess that water sitting behind the wall is not great. Some info on this page may be useful if you've not already seen it. Scroll down a good bit to get to retaining walls. https://www.pavingexpert.com/featur03
  2. I think I would go 'A', as I think it would suit the room shapes and also be continuous between rooms with no joins. But that's just my take, others may prefer other approaches. We had herringbone continuous through several rooms, aligned it centrally in the biggest room, and the rest were dictated by that. More than happy with it. Why don't you get a few boxes and lay some and play about with it?
  3. Yes, but at cost. (I'm really watching the pennies now...) On the last stairs I did I bought lengths of planed whitewood and cut to length as I needed over 900mm, and then bought 900mm spindles for the landing. Wre v similar cost. The 'proper' spindles had a much better surface finish, edges better and less knots.
  4. Hi folks, Could anyone suggest somewhere to get 41mm plain square stair spindles in northern ireland, that are 1100mm long? Primed or unprimed. Anywhere local I've tried only do 900mm long, and can't find any mainland GB suppliers that would send over to NI. Thanks
  5. I have had exactly the same issue. We have 2 vent axia's. On one the display was not great but worked, the other did not show anything. By swapping the controls over i was able to show the control was not the issue. I went back to the supplier who sent me a new main control pcb, having it swapped has helped. Its still the case though that neither are particularly impressive. Mine do not appear to have back lights, which would have been helpful.
  6. If you can get or build a small shelter or shed for the washing machine you'll likely be glad of it. It would take up valuable space and produce noise in a caravan. I can't think of a reason that 100ft would be a problem for water or electric, assuming the wires/pipes are suitable spec'd and installed. We were about 80m away, which was good. Wouldn't want to be really close, but depends on the site etc. Big lorries, diggers, things falling off scaffolding need to be considered. And if you have kids, that's another factor.
  7. Thinking about this again, and looking at the 'panels, battery, inverter, AC heating element' option. If I get four panels around 400w each, would this inverter be suitable? https://www.cityplumbing.co.uk/p/solax-power-x-1-1-0-7kw-single-phase-inverter-1-x-mppt-inc-dc-switch-x-1-0-7/p/628024 And what size of battery would be recommended? Bearing in mind the battery is only to smooth out, not be used as a storage device.
  8. Ended up pretty much as per the drawing above, except with 100mm pir, and osb instead of ply. We also went for Rationel aluclad frames instead of pvc. Standard concrete cills, though might have been better with ones with a narrower part for the window to sit on.
  9. Out of curiosity I asked my SE why he'd spec'd a UC for a horizontal beam and not a deeper lighter UB. He said due to torsional buckling. Slightly different situation as was supporting a wall, but no doubt you SE will have a justification for the choice.
  10. +1 to what Declan and other responders have said. I got sign off a year ago (also in NI). About a week before we needed sign off I asked our BCO to come out and we walked around together, there were a few minor points which we then got sorted. Always found BC to be very helpful and willing to chat and give advice over the phone or to do a site visit. After all, their objective is to ensure a good quailty construction which is exactly the same as us self builders.
  11. Velux windows are designed to work with or without counter battens.
  12. It had sized up. Tried freeing it, but it's not great and still too stiff with the screws tightned. Looks a bit corroded inside.
  13. I don't have a photo of it to hand, but the burner's model number has also disappeared over time...
  14. Actually, looking at the data sheets they're not all the same, will study some more. Is it safe to assume the drive to them is all the same?
  15. Yes, but there are a number of models it looks similar to.
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