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Slightly Mad Lockdown Projects

Buildhub member @NSS is doing a cycle marathon in his bedroom (OK, that's an exaggeration; it's in his shed ... maybe) to raise some money for a favoured cause during lockdown.


I have my own slightly mad cycling project, amongst several others.


I tried to get a local forum going a few years ago, which went exactly nowhere. So I’m trying again with an FB group whilst there are about 5x as many cyclists around ... many going up and down my lane. In adjacent areas great things have been achieved over the last few years, but not here. Yet.









But some bugger has bent one of my driveway safety mirrors - very strange,  as it is to prevent accidents and me squashing people walking past with my car.





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Dave Jones


if it was a new build the council would make you take down that high wall blocking your view of the road to an approved visibility splay!!!



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I admit to scratching several corners of several cars on that.


The wall itself is probably 1850 or thereabouts and it's actually got a preservation order of sorts on it, as in a planning condition not to demolish when the big garden of an old house was redeveloped :-). My bit hasn't, though.


The hawthorn hedge behind the telegraph pole is actually a fragment of original field hedge, which is probably also Victorian or earlier. When I was young the area behind there used to be fields with skylarks,

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