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About this blog

This is a short blog about the thinking process, installation and results of a combined ASHP, MVHR, PV, EV charging and Water heating coil system being installed in a bungalow with good insulation and air tightness.


Be warned! The theory, installation and results assumed may not be right and I will only be sure when the job is completed.


Should you have any questions about this PM me and I will try to include an answer in the blog.


Good luck with your home



Entries in this blog

PV to hot water and heat storage controls

PV to hot water and heat storage controls schematic:       This system only uses the excess PV power (unless the Solic 200 button to use any power is pressed, and then it will allow any power for 90 minutes).   There are three output choices. Firstly to the hot water tank immersion until the tank reaches the temperature set point, then to one of the two storage heaters as chosen.   Although some people have mentioned that the Solic 200 (other types I


Marvin in PV energy use

ASHP v Immersion with PV

Results for us as they come forward...(and not what I expected)   Our Cool Energy inverTech Air Source Heat Pump CE-iVT9 4.3kW-9.5kW has been on standby only, for the last few weeks, and I have measured the power consumption. It appears to use about 0.1 kWh an hour. That's about 2.25kWh a day in 24 hours.     We use a Solic 200 to direct our excess electricity produced by the PV to the hot water immersion.   Whilst the Solic way of heat the hot water uses more energ


Marvin in PV energy use

Working on reducing mains power by best use of PV (without batteries).

Having now had a 5.12kW system running for about 6 months, usage seems to be forming a pattern. It appears we are buying an average of about 11kW a day so 28p times 11 times 365 days means a bill of about £1,200 including vat and daily charge etc (This includes charging the EV but see below). We are trying to improve this without becoming anal about it.   When you consider that our PV system realistically reaches, about 5kW max (due to orientation and roof angle) and about 1kW on a goo


Marvin in PV energy use

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