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About this blog

This is just an introduction to the blog I am doing at



about the Timber Portal Frame we are doing/going to do.


It s easier to keep it all in one place so I will link the page in this Blog for you to check it out.


Entries in this blog

Oak, oak, oak , it robs me blind but i like my oak

Ordered some Window cills and door linings. Had a quick discussion with the carpenters "What do you want to use for door linings and window Cills" "what are the options" "well , you could use anything- plastic , painted or stained Pine , Cills from stone - but if it was me,m i probably would put oak - you spent a lot of time and effort on the bl%$&y thing so would be a shame to now start penny pinching on the parts that you really can see" "well , i guess oak it is t


Patrick in Oak window cill

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