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Hello from Scotland!


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Hi Everyone,

Hats off to the 'buildhub' founders for getting this community back together, clearly a lot of hard work has been put in and the site looks great!

I went a bit quiet on the old forum due to being so busy with work - I'm just back from a tour of Ireland... 3000 miles in 10 days ¬¬

What I would give to be working full time on our forest lodge project again! We caught two Tawny owls roosting in the lodge last night which was a surprise. I'll be heading back up to site next weekend to fit all 8 roof lights.

Here is how she looks right now:


As some of you know I also bought my first house before Christmas... which needed a lot of work! We have just finished decorating the bedroom after I replastered it all... jeez my Dad used to make it look so easy! The house is fully rewired now and I'm going to start fitting the new bathroom next week.




Edited by iSelfBuild
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Welcome back, nice to see you found us all again.  Thanks for the kind words about the new forum; you're right, a very great deal of effort was put in by a lot of people to get it up and running,  It's just a shame that there was no practical way to revive Ebuild, but we did try pretty hard before committing to this new forum.

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