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Building regulations questions


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Hi all, I am making a start on a new downstairs toilet as we only have 1 bathroom upstairs. I have just paid the £165 for building regs and was wondering what the process is regarding inspections for the work I am carrying out.


At present the area for the new toilet is empty and I am ready to build a stud wall and commence with plumbing /drainage, does the building inspector need to see the area before I start work?


I will be completing most of the work myself and hopefully getting a competent person to sigh off the electrics.


I already contacted the BC regarding a few questions but don't want to bother them too much and throw up red flags as I know they are a delicate bunch.


How may inspections are usually made on the creation of a downstairs loo as the project is really small? all of the work I have carried out on my house has not required building regs so I know nothing about the process. I have read various documents on the regs website but it does not go into much detail about the exact process.


Any help and guidance much appreciated guys ?



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5 minutes ago, Ian said:

normally they would tell you at what point in the build process they need to inspect.

It's usually:

- foundations

- drainage connections


- completion


Cheers Ian, being that no foundations are needed then hopefully I can skip to the drainage connections ?

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