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Armaflex or Kingspan for ASHP pipework?


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Can anyone offer any advice on pipe insulation please for flow and returns to ASHP? The majority of the pipe work is 28mm and is under the floor. I have been reading about Armacell and Kingspan pipe lagging and can’t decide on which is best or which thickness to use to ensure the pipes are as insulated as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks 

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Next thing is rodents. If say under a block and beam floor, I would armour the insulation, insert into 110mm duct and seal each end with fine stainless mesh or wire wool, expanded foamed into place.


If it's going to get wet as above also.


If it's underground consider doing the same. To stop the insulation being crushed.


If it's in a basement say, just insulation will be fine.


Then use 25mm wall thickness of what every closed cell insulation is at the best price. I used quite a bit of armacell. Prices vary hugely going into a merchant can be way cheaper than buying in there online shop. Sometimes the other way round.

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