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Opinion and feedback appreciated on work carried out please 😊

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I  am new to the forum, so hello and thankyou for having me 😊
I am seeking the opinion or opinions of experienced roofers please If possible?

My next door neighbours dining room wall has a damp issue, multiple possible problem points identified. One of them on my mums roof where there are gaps between the mortar on my mums roof joining their outside wall (photo 1).

2 weeks ago I sourced a roofer who had nothing but good reviews, he came out to assess the job, was on time, very nice and seemed to know his stuff. He gave me two prices, £420 to patch up the mortor or £1380 to put lead flashing all the way down which he said is how it would be done now. My mum has no savings so I had to go with the cheaper repair.

I presumed he would be doing the work but  his brother turns up to do the job with 2 other men. About an hour or so later the roofer comes round, quite a lot of tiles have been taken off the roof and he shows me where the felt is all worn at the bottom and in some places disintegrated (photo 2). He says this stops the water draining in the gutter below and it males the wood rotten. He said this needs to be fixed, he can replace it about a meter up This will cost £1600 Including the original work. Not what I needed at all, butI give the go ahead, the extra will have to come out of my pocket somehow.

The roofer goes off again, , his brother gets the 2 men started then comes and goes. Its a horrible rainy day, they are out in the wind and rain, they get on with the job. They don't accept any offers of drinks or snacks and work through, i feel for them. The brother comes to pick them up and they call it a day, he says they will be back to clear up the yard which is covered in broken tiles, they took away the wood batons.  

This morning I go to get something from the outhouse. I see the roof repair, it sticks out like a sore thumb, where lovely old tiles were, there is a big lot of mortar and unsightly lead flashing. the house is old and Grade iii listed, its certainly not a sympathetic repair (Photo 3,4,5)

I message the roofer to ask when they are coming back. I also send a photo of the repair and say im not happy with the look of the repair, why have the tiles been taken off, where are they. He says the job has been done correctly and that I am paying a cheap price, he is doing me a favour. He does eventually say he will get it rectified though and new tiles fitted. Not entirely happy,, the new tiles will stand out, I wanted the fix to be less noticeable. He does say it looks like the mortar has slid down in the rain and it was neater than that when it was left.

A bit later I go outside again to inspect the work properly, the felt has been replaced with a plastic type material, one bit is black, another bit is the white, the white stands out more so would have preferred all black, that nitpicking though, I will trim it to tidy it up a bit. I notice there is a gap of 6-8cm between them, thats odd, Surely there should be an overlap, not any gap? (Photo 6)

I then look at the leadl it could have been made a bit neater and less conspicuous I'm sure. I notice the new mortar near it is just hanging, not attached to anything, there are gaps still and i press a bit and it breaks easily. It also looks like a crack is appearing already. Im not convinced it was a good idea to do the mortar when it was wet, to me it doesn't seem like it is set hard and will wear easier, this work is not guaranteed I've been told as its a patch up rather than full repair.

Im thinking thats what I can see, what if there are things not visible?  
I want to cancel him and his team coming back, I feel let down and have lost confidence in him. I want to part pay him and get someone else out to redo it Properly.
I feel like I have paid the rate for a skilled roofer but he has outsourced the job to 2 people he has picked up outside a diy shop on a cheap day rate and they are not skilled. 

But I am not a roofer, so rather than say or do anything in the heat of the moment I thought I would leave it and get the opinion from people who know. 

So, am I wrong, is this work up to standard.? or some of it ok maybe?

should there be an overlap rather than gap where the new plastic has been installed? 
I don't want to cause a fuss. If I am wrong about all this.  0E9F7F83-0677-4187-9E7D-D9E78ACAF250.thumb.jpeg.211549c34c10b2351c2e148fe3ad27c8.jpeg

i have also since found out that you can get an eves tray, so think this should have been mentioned as an option 😞

If I am right, am i justified in part paying him and getting someone else In? If so what is a fair price? Materials + ? What would you do in my position? 
Sorry for the novel, it feels like i have made a short story long here.
I welcome your advice please 😊






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Firstly. It's difficult to seal old houses with all these shapes and abutments.

Secondly, a really proper job, with stepped flashings and tucked under the wall tiles will cost thousands.


Old clay tiles will change colour in time.

Does it keep most of the damp out?


Other people in here know more about it than I do. 

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1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

he shows me where the felt is all worn at the bottom and in some places disintegrated (photo 2). He says this stops the water draining in the gutter below and it males the wood rotten. He said this needs to be fixed, he can replace it about a meter up This will cost £1600 Including the original work

The photos aren't very hi-res, but it looks like this was necessary; water reaching the timber is never good and could have lead to more serious and costly repairs later. On the other hand it's not good stripping so many tiles without asking first, if that's what happened.


1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

the new tiles will stand out, I wanted the fix to be less noticeable

For an old roof like that, you'd ideally want to use old salvaged clay tiles, and maybe mix in the old with the new, though that would mean taking more off and cost more. As @saveasteading says, they'll tone down with age.


1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

the felt has been replaced with a plastic type material, one bit is black, another bit is the white, the white stands out more so would have preferred all black, that nitpicking though, I will trim it to tidy it up a bit. I notice there is a gap of 6-8cm between them, thats odd, Surely there should be an overlap, not any gap? (Photo 6)

Looks odd, but the photos are too small to be clear what's going on there.


1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

Im not convinced it was a good idea to do the mortar when it was wet

It wasn't.


1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

i have also since found out that you can get an eves tray

Yes, would have been useful.


1 hour ago, Norrisuk said:

What would you do in my position?

Decide how badly you want it to match the rest, and if you have the budget to pay for someone else to redo it. Or do like many of the rest of us do, and (re)do it yourself.


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