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calculating a Zone of Influence for a railway tunnel Air shaft


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I'm trying to get permission to build in garden.  which is complicated by the nearby presence of a railway airshaft. (more details https://forum.buildhub.org.uk/topic/36112-network-rail-and-the-air-shaft/ )



Network Rail have previously stated that the shaft has a Zone of Influence  (ZOI) of 15m, which takes up most of the building opportunity. But they have just admittedly that the ZOI is calculated by a simplistic method (and even that isnt applied correctly) and that they would be ammenable to reviewing a ZOI calculated by alternative method and presented in a TMS desk Study. Does anyone know what sort of engineering company I need to find that can calculate this for me?





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HI Both. 


There were orginally 13 airshafts, all 140+ years old, under the town of sevenoaks.  some of which have buildings a mere 3-4 m away.  no real guisance.


They havent yet, and I would be concerned that they would want a large engineering consultancy that would not be interested in helping me with my small requirement for a single dwelling.





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Perhaps look at the planning files for one of these houses that are close. See if there are any reports in there and who wrote them.


Councils normally have a map search feature that allows you to find planning applications within x meters of a location you specify.

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