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Ecodan issue and wiring 2 separate UFH controllers into one FTC6 controller. Help required.

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Are you seeing 2 zones on the controller per my earlier image


5 hours ago, Gary68 said:

Is the FTC set up for 2 zones, do you have an upstairs that is a separate zone, if the dip switches are set for 2 zones you should see the 1 and 2 under the heat pump symbol.


You could wire the 2 manifolds as separate zones, I would have thought you could wire them to the same zone in parallel, its just a signal for the heat pump to start up, it won't care where that signal is coming from.




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Are you seeing 2 zones on the main controller now?


If not SW2-7 may need to be moved to on and maybe SW3-6 as well the manual isn't the clearest.


Don't forget to power it down before any changes otherwise they won't take effect





Edited by Gary68
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3 hours ago, Gary68 said:

Are you seeing 2 zones on the controller per my earlier image

Are you seeing 2 zones on the main controller now?

No - I only got the first zone. I have swapped the cables around to IN1 (both UH8's have had a go in IN1 on the FTC. Both trigger the heating when in IN1.
Whichever is in IN6 doesn't seem to trigger the heating if calling for it and IN1 is not calling. In this scenario, its only when IN1 connected UH8 calls for heat that the heating is triggered.


If not SW2-7 may need to be moved to on and maybe SW3-6 as well the manual isn't the clearest.
Will give that a go next.


Don't forget to power it down before any changes otherwise they won't take effect
I'll do the tank and the outdoor until. Cheers for the reminder (and the help!)






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15 hours ago, connick159 said:

No - I only got the first zone. I have swapped the cables around to IN1 (both UH8's have had a go in IN1 on the FTC. Both trigger the heating when in IN1.
Whichever is in IN6 doesn't seem to trigger the heating if calling for it and IN1 is not calling. In this scenario, its only when IN1 connected UH8 calls for heat that the heating is triggered.


Yep that makes sense, the controller just isn't set up for 2 zones, you could just put both sets of wires in IN1 if they can fit.


15 hours ago, connick159 said:

Cheers for the reminder (and the help!)


Your very welcome

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