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Front end design process of a timber frame kit


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We are trying to choose between timber frame manufacturers, and have found various threads on here very helpful. However, one of my dilemmas is the different start points for each of our 3 shortlisted manufacturers. We have approved plans, but these were for a renovation and although we don't want to move too far from the current proposal, there are some issues which require additional design input before they are 'translated' into a timber frame design that can lead to construction drawings. I think (?) that Fleming Homes provide this for free, ScotFrame charge £3k and MBC ask you to come to them with your 'finished' design. They all then translate the design into something that can be constructed in this way, for planning (or in our case revised planning). We have parted ways with our original architect so I'm left wondering how I get accurate costings from MBC and ScotFrame without either paying another £3k to ScotFrame (we've already spent £6k with our previous architect) or asking new architects to work on the drawings we already have until we are happy with them. Does anyone have any advice? All thoughts welcomed...

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Have they told you what the problem is with your current design?

It's possible that 1. The timber people can design a solution

2. A modification to the geometry does away with the problem. Which might take a practical Architect just a few hours. But then does it have to go back to planning?

NB. Steels or other big beams are normally excluded from quotes.

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Thanks @Mr Punter and @saveasteading, it's more about design detailing than a specific problem, and we have a ballpark price from both MBC and ScotFrame. However ScotFrame have said this will not be accurate until the £3k drawings have been done (unless I have misunderstood - we're waiting for them to come back to us). I think if I give MBC what we currently have they will just do a direct translation to timber frame as they don't seem to offer a design service per se. I am asking them all questions to try and clarify - just wondered if others had experienced the same... 

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50 minutes ago, Flossy1234 said:

design detailing


What do you mean by this?  If you have planning drawings that you are happy with they should be able to use those.  You may need some input from a Structural Engineer for some aspects.  If you want changes to the approved drawings you could get an architectural technologist to do these.  If they are simple you can just mark up the existing drawings for your chosen timber frame company.

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1 hour ago, Flossy1234 said:

they will just do a direct translation to timber frame as they don't seem to offer a design service per se. 

But that is surely what you need. You give them the geometry, then they translate it to what they do, suffigient for a costing. Then if they get the job they will do more detail. That is design. 

Where things can get complicated is special features like high ceilings, fancy roof shapes or big open spaces. 


I expect I'm still not understanding the problem, if there is one.

These companies could be doing free detailed designs full time if they weren't cautious like this.

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Thanks both. I'm not expecting anything for free and if we had drawings that we were happy with it would be less of an issue. I'm just trying to get to a point where I can make an informed decision about which company to use, and costs are an important part (but not the only part) of that decision. The point I was trying to make was just that this initial part of the journey seems quite different with each manufacturer, and I was just asking if others had encountered the same.

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3 hours ago, Flossy1234 said:

there are some issues which require additional design input before they are 'translated' into a timber frame design that can lead to construction drawings. I think (?) that Fleming Homes provide this for free, ScotFrame charge £3k and MBC ask you to come to them with your 'finished' design.

Have there been changes to the initial planning drawings which now require some additional design input (?) and you would like to get proper quotes (not estimates off a planning dwg) but you need construction dwgs/building warrant dwgs to get it which you don't have.

Flemming might do this for ' free' (no such thing), scotframe will charge for this (which may include SE input and the like) and MBC just wants the final thing?

You may want to consider getting someone else (architect, architectural technologist, SE) who can do this, then you can present the same 'construction' drawings to all three parties.

You'll need to spend money to get it done.


Edited by MR10
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