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General Questions for a new build newbie


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>>> When you say it's easier going to appeal than applying for planning permission, does this mean you can skip the planning process entirely??


As well as refusals, you need to go at least 8 weeks and then you can also appeal for ‘non-determination’ if the LPA has not made up its mind by then.


>>> When you say it's easier going to appeal than applying for planning permission


By all means appeal. But … the appeal process is properly slow. I have 2 ongoing and the appeals admin guys took 3 months just to ‘validate’ they had the right docs…


Also my analysis (a morning’s worth) suggested that the appeals process gets just as random outcomes as the standard LPA process. I put up a thread on BH that describes what I found. If you want to do your own research you can search the appeals portal yourself and also your local LPA’s portal under ‘appeals’.


So, if your own LPA isn’t ***too bad*** I would let this one go through and make your best stab at convincing your LPA your bulld project is a good one. If that doesn’t work, then appeal. You get two chances that way. That assumes you have all the time and money in the world :)


BTW you can add extra docs to the application as you go along - at least my LPA allows it. I added some photo-montages that showed what passers-by could see for instance. Probably best to let the case officer know as well when you add new docs.



Edited by Alan Ambrose
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14 minutes ago, Alan Ambrose said:

When you say it's easier going to appeal than applying for planning permission, does this mean you can skip the planning process entirely??

No, you can only appeal a refusal.

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