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Upwards drain from summer house


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Hi all.

I am planning to build a summer house at the end of my garden.


The garden is about 35m long, and it slopes downwards such that the height difference between the back of the house and the proposed summer house is around 5 metres. At the back of the house there is a lateral sewer with two manholes that provide a convenient discharge point.

I have mains water and electricity (240v 1P 16mm2 conductors) at the end of the garden where I want the summer house.


I want to have a toilet and a sink in the summer house, as I want to be able to use it as an extra guest room. So what I would hope is to have something that can pump sewage upwards and then discharge into the lateral drain that runs behind my house. I have read around about solutions to pump sewage upwards, and there seems to be a whole variety of them: Saniflo, pumping stations, and many many others. I have also read that for at least some of these solutions, you need to have the tank outside the house at a certain distance, which I cannot have. I can only have an underfloor system inside the summer house or a saniflo rear-of-toilet type system.


What options are realistic in my setup and don't run afoul (punintended) of building regulations? Does anyone have experience of such systems (especially Saniflo)?


(I have seen such a system installed in a flat in Italy where the basement is below the sewer level: there is a 1m3 tank under the floor fitted with a Flygt pump/macerator. There was no bad smell in the bathroom but it does only pump out about 2 meters vertically, and not much horizontally)

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A pump station is a good option.  You will only need a single pump.  You don't need a macerator.  You can get ones for indoors or out.  Include for non-return valve, high level alarm and discharge pipework minimum 63mm HDPE.  The pump will fail at some stage and need replacing.  Don't get a big chamber as when the pump dies there will be more to empty.  Consider not having it serviced and just save the money for when you need to swap out the pump.

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Officially, you need a pump station. That includes a biggish tank.

Unofficially, a saniflo will work, subject to distance and height difference.

We used one successful on construction sites as a much better alternative to chemical toilets. Only when there was a sewer obviously.

As they work in basements, getting 2 to 3m height lift is obv OK. Need to check your circumstances v the different models.

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5 hours ago, Redbeard said:

Soakaway and compost toilet? The uphill Poop Transport System does not sound cheap.

No can do. The proposed summer house is at the end of the garden at the border of my property. So the soakway would need to be uphill inside my garden.


4 hours ago, Mr Punter said:

A pump station is a good option.  You will only need a single pump.  You don't need a macerator.  You can get ones for indoors or out.  Include for non-return valve, high level alarm and discharge pipework minimum 63mm HDPE.  The pump will fail at some stage and need replacing.  Don't get a big chamber as when the pump dies there will be more to empty.  Consider not having it serviced and just save the money for when you need to swap out the pump.

Sounds exactly like that install I saw in Italy. That too had a high level alarm.

But... can these be installed indoors as per building regs?

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