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ASHP sizing - realistic values for air changes


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What's a realistic value for air changes per hour in an older house (1930, solid wall) which has been fully double glazed (without tricks vents), has solid floor downstairs and carpet on floorboards up, and has extensive retrofitted iwi and no operational chimney.  The 'standard' assumptions (for ashp sizing) say anything between 1 and 3 depending on room, but the only way I can make my calculated heat loss equal actual measured consumption is to assume 0.5 throughout, ie the figure that the standard assumptions give for a post 2006 house.


To be honest, without mechanical ventilation (which my house does not have), I am struggling to imagine how the ventilation rate could be as high as the assumptions claim it is, but presumably they are based on something!


Has anyone any idea whether 0.5ACH (or even anything sub 1) is realistic for a house like the one I describe, and if so do the standard assumptions in practice overestimate natural ventilation by a substantial amount in many cases?


Any facts or other evidence that anyone has would be welcome.

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