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MVHR - Wiring & Control

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I have installed a vent axia sentinel kinetic high flow MVHR, I have installed a fused spur next to the unit and also ran the cable in for the controller (copies for units controller on the front)


I have just been look at the installation instructions and I naively thought there wouldn't as many control options as there is!


Do i need a switch live or do i just link it out from the live so it runs constantly? Will the built in humidity control the speed when required?


Is there any other form of control that people recommend? 


Any advice on this would be great!


Thanks again all

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I have manual switches outside wet rooms to boost, but after the first couple of months they are very rarely used, except in the kitchen if we are cooking smelly stuff. The humidity sensor looks after most boosting, but must say that only kicks in rarely. We have our system tuned well below building regs.


We do monitor CO2 levels in lounge and bedroom, if we have 6 or more in the lounge for a long period we also boost then manually.


So I wouldn't go overboard with manual control.

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Thanks for the reply, I think I will link out the SL and rely on the built in humidity sensor to control it 


Also the wiring controller will be hidden around a corner in the kitchen so i can use that to boost when cooking as you mentioned


Many Thanks

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