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SAP Points Calculation Worksheet ?

Dave Jones

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With the new changes making it very difficult to obtain an A rating at a reasonable cost, has anyone come across a worksheet to work out what is possible ?


The ability to gameplan improvements against benefits v costs to see best bang for the spend.


A lot of this will be catching the unaware out. For example the person constructing the house is responsible for providing photographic evidence at all stages of important SAP features. Failure to do so could result in an even lower EPC rating. Would mean self builders would need to be on site a lot more to document these before they are covered over, unless you want to rely/pay the builder etc.


Large bag of worms.



Edited by Dave Jones
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I think unless you are actually self building your at the merci of the builder or trades 

We’ve just been held up on a job where the span  deck panels have been built in wrong Causing a fire risk 

There are nine managers wondering about supposed to be keeping an eye on things 

The whole sap system is open to abuse 

BC don’t police it They just make sure that you exceed the minimum 

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