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How many face bricks in a day


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Something we are often asked on here 

Myself and my wife have been getting the  roof ready on her workshop 

All the facias on yesterday except the front pike Hoping for brickie to come and finish the last 550 bricks today 

Cancelled last night So we where there and mixed up by 730 am this morning Answer to the above We got them laid and four lengths of Facia on by 5pm today No chariot for raking out so my wife made do with a piece of timber with a nail knocked through 



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so your saying an amateur brickie can do 550 in a day with an amateur labourer, That's fairly reassuring for crazy people who consider building stuff them selves.


what was your brickie charging you? per day day or per 1000, it seems to be about 600 per thousand around where i am but thats for big sites. then 'improver' brickies are on about 150 a day same as a hoddie. 

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