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Services and Ducts

Ryan Bazeley

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Due to start my foundations next week and the excitement / fear is starting to set in!! I am after some reassurance or better options for bringing in my services. I have a detached garage in which there will be a plant room. The garage roof will be attached to the main house creating a covered walkway. My idea is this:


Water and electric terminated into plant room, I will then run my pipe work and electrics through the joists into the main house. My BT will come into a cupboard in the main house. Should I consider running spare ducts from the plant room into the main house?





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Yes - as many as you can to run the services that don't need TLC - Electric, Water, Comms, even gas if you are up for using tracpipe, leave the roof space for the hot water etc so A: You don't need loads of holes through your joists thus making them weaker, B: you can insulate them carefully so as to keep the heat where you want it.

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