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I'm about to tile a number of walls and floors. I've done a little tiling before but only with smaller tiles so I'd like to check I'm getting the adhesive thickness right for larger tiles;
600x300 porcelain on a wall (one is part of a shower), is an 8mm towel to leave a 4mm thickness of adhesive enough or not enough?
The same tiles on the floor I've thinking I should use a 12mm towel to leave a 6mm thickness of adhesive. Again enough or not enough?

What are your thoughts?

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The thickness of the tile dictates the thickness of adhesive 

12 mil tile 12 mil adhesives 

I wouldn’t ever go less than 8 for anything other than sticking matting down 


Bagged adhesive is better to use and cheaper than the tub stuff 

Edited by nod
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Depends if the substrates are nice and flat? 

Whichever you lay the notched bed onto, the opposing face should be buttered, eg to have a thin wet skim of adhesive applied immediately prior to affixing the tile. Powder adhesive in a shower area is a no brainer, and most tub adhesive is shite on a good day, especially with zero-porosity porcelain. Get the standard or extended set adhesive and NOT rapid set. That way you'll have at least an hour open time with a bucket of goop before having to clean down and do a fresh mix. 

Edited by Nickfromwales
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